9 - Water Fight

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"Yes?" I ask innocently when the bottle is empty. He glares at me, wiping his face for the fifth time.

"You're going to pay," He threatens, but there's absolutely nothing threatening about him when he's dripping from head to toe.

"I don't think I will." I smirk, before feeling someone cold go down my sweatshirt. My scream that follows is loud and ear-piercing, as I reach behind me to somehow ward off the cold liquid from my skin.

I jump around and see Derek standing there with an empty bottle of water, trying to contain his grin. I glower at him.

A water fight ensues. Louis had already run off to go fix himself up again when Henry joins in on our little fight, followed by Mark. Louis comes back right at the end with a bucket of ice and some more water bottles. My eyes widen as he advances toward me with the entire bucket.

"Louis, no. Please."

"Begging isn't going to work this time, Nicolette Janelle Horan." He says before throwing the ice into the air, aiming for it to rain down on my head. I wasn't able to move quick enough when the frozen water rains down all over me, drenching me completely.

My scream is loud, catching the attention of nearly everyone in the building. A few people come running from their designated areas all around the studio. Almost all the dancers just roll their eyes and go back to doing whatever it was they were doing, followed by the Stars that are already here. The producers and managers, though, aren't as easy on us when one of them yells out, "Hey!"

All of us - Derek, Mark, Henry, Louis, and I - all disappear to hiding spots as quickly as we can. We hear the foot steps behind us as we all run together throughout the entirety of the building.

"Let's split up!" Mark suggests.

If this was a predictable horror movie, I would have probably smacked him, but since this is an actual life or death situation, I'm already off down a different hallway with Louis in tow.

"Nic, wait." he heaves from behind me. I stop in front of an old dressing room before turning back, only to be met with a breathless Louis and an ever more breathless security guard 20 feet behind him.

"Lou, c'mon! We have to get away!" I grab his wrist and pull him as I continue to run all around, looking for a secluded area.

Nearly 10 minutes later, the security guard finally decided he's not going to be able to catch up to us when he stops and sighs loudly before walking back the way he came.

I finally stop running, allowing Louis to collapse against a wall. He's breathing heavy and looking up at the ceiling, mouthing something to God, probably.

I'm breathing heavy too, but I don't let that bother me as I pull him to an empty practice room. I sit down on the couch, while he, again, collapses on it dramatically.

"You will be... the death of me, Nic... Nicolette Horan." He says dramatically, taking my hand and placing it on his heart. "You feel that? It's all your... your fault."

"S'not my fault I'm in better shape then you." I laugh at him. He glares at me, but doesn't make an move to say something back.

The room stays quiet for another few minutes, the only sound being our uneven breaths. I lean my head against the wall and blow out, looking up at the mounted cameras all around the room. They really did invest in a lot of cameras that wouldn't need a person to man them. I'm guessing that's where the home surveillance idea came from.

"Nic, I need to ask you something." Louis says, his breathing finally back to normal. I nod but don't answer, too busy wondering if the cameras are on right now and watching us. When he notices I'm not going to say anything, he continues. "Has Harry ever... tried anything? With you?"

Dancing With The Stars *Narry AU FanFic *Transgender!NiallUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum