The Pool Party

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I'm waiting for my mother to leave so I can book a ride to the mall and buy a cute bathing suit before Friday.

My mother walks into the living room and grabs her keys.

"Come on, let's go."


"Do you already have a bathing suit that you're going to wear to Michelle's? Or are you going to come with me to buy one."

"Oh yeah I'll go."

For some reason I thought that it was just going to be me and Michelle.


I'm browsing the isles still trying to find something cute and that will fit me. My mother already went to try out some.

"Are you ready to go?"

I look over and my mother already has things in her hands. She's on the phone with someone.

"I'm still looking."

"Hurry up and pick something."

She goes back to whoever she's talking to on the phone.

The pressure is on making my decision harder.

"Amanda? Seriously? Hurry up."

"I can't choose."

"Why are you even looking at those? You know you can't pull off a two piece anymore. Here."

She grabs a black one piece swimsuit.

"This one's perfect for you."

"I'm okay...l-let's just go."


Friday arrives and we arrive at Michelle's house.

She opens the door wearing a two piece yellow bikini that looks so good on her. It really shows off her toned body not to mention her six pack. It's not super chiseled like the ones bodybuilders have but it's there and it's hot.

"I'm glad you two could make it please come on in."

My mom and I just stand at the door with our mouths open.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Ah no no there isn't, you just look so lovely in that." my mother replies.

I should have thought to say that.

"Aww thanks, come on in."

She walks us to her pool. It's a very nice pool.

She brings herself and my mother a margarita and hands me a lemonade. "Is lemonade okay?"

"Yeah, thanks."

My mother takes off her dress revealing her..well very revealing swimsuit.

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