Staying For Dinner

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So Michelle is staying for dinner and I'm setting a plate for her and my mother.

Michelle places a hand on my back and whispers "I'm sorry. For what it's worth it looks pretty good."


The three of us sit at the table. My mother made Michelle some pasta.

Michelle seems to like the pasta but me being me decided to mess with my mother. She's been a bit much.

"Here Michelle, try some." I say grabbing a bite sized piece of omelet and with my hand underneath the fork offering it to her.

She took the fork into her mouth while still making eye contact with me.

We broke eye contact when she closed her eyes and leaned back.

"Mmmmmm, it's so good."


I could feel my mother's burning glare on the side of my head.

My mother got really quiet as we finished eating the omelet together.

I cleaned my plate and excused myself to the bathroom.

When I came back I heard my mother talking about me. I stopped near the kitchen entrance and listened.

"Amanda seems lovely though." Michelle says.

"Of course I raised her but she has given me a lot of trouble."

What? Since when?

"You know she's recently started… you know."


"What?" Michelle asks.

"Oh don't be coy,Michelle you know."

What the hell is my mom talking about?

"I have no- Ooh I see. We shouldn't-"

"Yep, I've caught her once and I've heard her a couple of times but I haven't said anything. I'm afraid to walk into her room."

Is she talking about…


I run to my room and I lay in my bed. I- I can't believe she said that to Michelle.
I'm so embarrassed and I know they heard me.
Who else has she told?

My eyes begin to sting as tears make their way down my face. I cry into my pillow for a while until I hear a light knock on the door.

"Amanda? May I come in?"

I quickly look over and see Michelle standing by the door.

I wipe tears from my eyes and sit on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah come in."

She sits next to me.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

She moves a couple of loose strands of hair out of my face and placing a hand on my shoulder says "I wanted to check up on you. Are you alright?"

I struggled to stop my tears from falling.

"Y- yeah. I'm okay."

"I'm really sorry, you shouldn't feel embarrassed, it's natural you know."

Oh god.

"I mean…I sometimes still…"


"Can we talk about something else please."

"Sorry I'm not good at this. I…I just wanted you to know that I won't judge just by whatever I'm told. I want to get to know you myself. Speaking of which, I want to invite you to my place. I have a pool and…sorry is that too much? We've barely know each other and I'm not used to talking to young people."

"You are not that old. You're doing fine and yes I would love to go to your house for a pool party."

"Pool party! That's what I meant. Is Friday alright?"


"I should go. I told your mother I was going to the bathroom. I'll see you Friday then?"


"Okay then Bye."


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