After The "Date"

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I'm sitting on the couch when I hear my mother enter the house.

"Hey, how did it go?" I ask

"Fine, what are you watching?"

"Some documentary?"

She walks around the couch and turns her back facing me.

"Unzip me."

I pull down the zipper on her dress and she pulls it off while walking to her room. After a bit she comes back in a long t-shirt and sits on top of me.

"MOOOM! move you're heavy."

"But I'm so comfortable here, give me some chips."

"I will if you move."


She scoots over and I place the bag of chips in between us to share.

She takes a handful into her mouth and starts texting somebody.

Sometimes it feels like she's my roommate more than my mom.
It's fun at times but I really do need her to be a mother figure.

"So Michelle seems pretty cool."

"She's alright."

"Why haven't I seen her before?"

"I'm sure you have. You probably just forgot."

"She's really pretty."

"Meh, she's okay I guess."

We stayed up late watching whatever happened to come on the TV and gossiping. Well it was mostly my mother gossiping about her friends. I feel for her friends. They trust my mother and she's just telling their business to anyone that would listen. She's incapable of keeping secrets quiet.

I wanted to ask her about Michelle but the gossip came with her commentary and none of it was nice. Plus I wanted to keep the perfect image I had of Michelle.

The rest of the week was the same although I kind of wanted to see Michelle again. I guess she made an impression on me. Well I mean she does seem like a very successful woman and I want to travel like she has. Also she is very charismatic and stuff so yeah.


I sit in my car watching Linda's house like a creep. We made plans to see each other today at 8:00am. I take another sip of my iced coffee only to find out that it's now just ice. I open the top and using my straw I shove the rest of the ice into my mouth. After I wipe my mouth and hands with the napkins that came with the coffee. I look at the inside of my wrist at the watch that Linda gave me a while ago.

It's really expensive. I've tried many times to return it to her but she won't budge.

I look and see that it is barely 8, I must have forgotten the amount of time it takes to get from my house to Linda's. I'll just wait a bit longer.


I decided to get out of my car as people passing by were giving me weird looks. I knock on the door feeling very nervous. I haven't seen Linda in so long.

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