Aaron T. x Gender neutral! reader

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You were home after your performance, the crowd loved you, thank goodness, but you had strained your shoulders and back while on stage, and it was killing you. You made dinner for yourself when your phone buzzed, you checked it and it was T, your boyfriend.

Hey, baby! I saw your performance today, you were amazing, I'd thought I'd come over to congratulate you myself. X 😏😉

Hey, honey. There's plenty of food waiting for you, including me. X 😏😳

Well in that case I'm definitely coming over for you, love you x

Love you too x ❤ 💓

You put your phone down and went to the shower, smiling at the stupidity of you both. After the relief of feeling clean, you wrapped yourself in a towel, and then you heard a key in the door.

"Babe! You there? Where are you?" It was T. You smiled to yourself and walked to the top of the stairs and called for him.

"Welcome home! I'm at the top of the stairs!" You heard footsteps coming towards the top and before you knew it, a pair of arms wrapped around you, and a head on the crook on your neck.

You giggled, "clingy today aren't we?"

"Well I missed you desperately." T kissed your head, "Oh, what do we have here? A towel! Is there something there for me underneath?" He smirked.

"Oh ha ha! Not today, there's food downstairs if you want some." You said sarcastically.

"No, I think I'm happy with what we have here." Aaron.T pulled you up and pinned you up against a wall. He giggled and kissed you deeply, holding your hips and your hand as you kissed him back.

"Damn, Aaron, you're horny today aren't you?" You whispered.

"Yeah, but I'm also hungry." He let go of you and quickly ran downstairs for food, before you could catch him for leaving you.

"You cheeky shit!" You yelled.

"I love you too." You heard from downstairs.

You rolled your eyes and got changed into a tank top and shorts. You made your way downstairs to catch T eating the chicken noodles you made.

"This is so good!" He muffled.

"Well, what can I say, I'm amazing." You smirked.

"Oh, I know you are, ever since I first met you on that stage. You were so beautiful, I couldn't keep my eyes off you." Aaron.T blushed slightly, you smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"And you weren't too bad yourself", you laughed.

"You were supposed to compliment me too." T frowned.

You giggled, "Why? Was that not a compliment?"

"No, but I'll get it out of you, come here! My turn to chase you!" Aaron got up and started running after you around the house, both of you screaming. But, Aaron finally caught you in his arms, nuzzling your neck and spreading kisses all over.

"Now can I get one?" He asked.

"Well, maybe, but you'll have to work for it." You winked.

"You cheeky little shit." He said.

"And I love you too." You said, kissing his face, covering him with love.

The end.

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