Devon x Male! reader

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For izanuu

It was early morning, and you woke up to your boyfriend getting ready for work at the shopping mart down the street. He looked so tired, he had bags under his eyes, and he looked really pale from the lack of sleep. He might as well be a vampire.

"Hey, darling," you got up and kissed his cheek, "are you sure that you're well enough to work today, you look really pale, I'm getting really worried about you."

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me, I just need to get through this week and I'll be off for a couple of days, then it'll just be you and me." Devon kissed you softly before grabbing his keys and leaving, "I love you, and I promise that after this week, it'll be just you and me."

You smiled, "I love you too, but please take it easy today."

"I'll try, especially if those little girls come back to look through the window again."

"Well, I don't blame them, you are very cute." You chuckled. Devon smiled, and left the apartment for his work.

As soon as he left, you got showered and dressed and went online to look for those concert tickets for Devon's favourite group, '4*TOWN'. You had heard him listening to their songs a couple of times and he always seemed happy when he listened to them. So, you thought that it would be a nice treat for his hard work to take a break and go to the concert to see this group. But the tickets were very expensive to buy, so you secretly took extra shifts at your work to be able to pay for them, you got so tired that your manager had told you to take the day off to rest, it was perfect timing to book those tickets before Devon came home. You got on the computer and went on the website and paid for the tickets, you sighed in relief that there were just enough tickets left, if there weren't, you would have done all that work for nothing.


It was late at night now, and you had made dinner for you two when Devon came home from buying food from a separate mart from Devon's, you thought that it would give away the surprise, you set the table and put the food on the plates just as he opened the door. You walked over and gave him a massive hug. He looked very surprised.

"Hi, darling, is something wrong, did that Tyler kid cause trouble again?" You asked.

"No, he behaved this time since he is on his last warning, but one of those window girls' mother barged into the mart today and said that I had taken advantage of her daughter and slammed drawings of me and her on the counter. I think she drew them, but she looked really embarrassed, but so was I to an extent, I knew they all had a weird crush on me, but that was really odd. I don't think she knows that I'm gay." Devon sighed.

"I should hope you're gay, but that doesn't matter, you're home now. Besides, I have a surprise for you after dinner." You kissed his cheek.

"Please don't tell me it's a drawing of me." Devon laughed.

"No, it's much better than any drawing that I could do", you smiled, "but you need to eat all you're dinner first."

Devon obeyed, and ate his dinner really quickly, damn, he really wanted to know the surprise desperately. He even put the dishes away and washed them when you were finished, and even dried them himself, when he was done, he held your hand and walked you over o the sofa.

"Ok, what's the surprise, I'm desperate to know."

"Alright, but you need to close your eyes," Devon closed his eyes, and you placed a '4*TOWN' shirt in his arms, he opened them and opened his mouth in shock, "surprise, darling, I got us tickets to the concert next week!" Devon's eyes watered and pulled you into a huge hug.

"Thank you so much, I'm so happy, I can't wait until the concert." You held his hand and kissed him softly, "You're the best boyfriend in the world, I love you." Devon smiled

"I know, and I love you too."

The end.

I'm glad that I did that for you all.😌

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