Adrien Agreste/Chatnoir x Fem! reader

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Finally, Spring time. The time where everyone is in a more enjoyable mood, especially in one of the most famous cities in the world, Paris, and you had the most famous boy in Paris as your boyfriend, Adrien Agreste. You two had met in school when you moved here, and since then, you two have been inseparable, you were the couple in school that everyone was talking about, although, it was very dangerous since there were constant attacks by Hawkmoth all the time. But Ladybug and Chatnoir always defeat the poor victims of the akumas.

But something was always strange when you saw Chatnoir.

He seemed familiar somehow. And if you were near the danger, he would always rescue you first, and make sure you were safe, even if it put him in danger. Then Ladybug would call for him and they would both save the city all over again.

You thought that they deserved some sort of medal for all their hard work.


Hawkmoth was attacking again, it was getting dangerous for you there, so you tried to run out the way, until you felt a hand around your waist, while being lifted up. You looked up to see Chatnoir. He gave you a wink.

"Well, hello there again, long time no see." He smirked.

You only rolled your eyes, "only when there's danger you come over and sweep me off my feet."

"Mostly to get you out of the way, but yes, I do." You smiled while the hero jumped onto buildings, then placing you down on the roof of one.

"Well, darling, I have to help Ladybug", Chatnoir winked once more and kissed your hand.

"Wait, I need to ask you something." You said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Can you look for my boyfriend, he hasn't answered his phone and I'm worried sick about him, what if he's hurt? I can't lose him." A tear came to your eye at the thought of him hurt. "His name is Adrien Agreste, he's blonde, green eyes, light skintone, very handsome, please, could you just let me know if he's ok?"

Chatnoir blushed slightly, covering his face, he loved that you worried about him so much, "of course, I'll let you know as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Chatnoir," you walked over to him and kissed his cheek, "for everything."

Chatnoir froze, and tripped over a piece of rubble, falling off the building, luckily, he caught himself in time.

"Anything for you, darling!" And he came back to his senses and ran to the danger.


It had been nearly an hour since your hero rescued you and you were starting to worry, so, you decided to get off the roof and look for Adrien yourself.

You walked out of the door of the last floor of the building, and preceeded to walk to his home, it was only a short walk there anyway, he hadn't answered his calls, so you picked up the pace. You were nearly there, you kept walking until you heard something strange in a nearby alley.

"Oh god, how am I going to explain this to her, she was so worried when I saved her, she's probably still stuck there!" A voice said, you recognised it and tip-toed over and leaned against a wall to get a better look.

"Oh, great, now I'm out of time," the voice said again, you peeked over to see Chatnoir stressing Why would he be worried about you?

"Plagg, claws in." You saw him detransform into...Adrien? No, impossible, your boyfriend can't be the famous hero Chatnoir! It's just impossible! You were so lost in thought that you had accidentally tripped over trying to get a closer look. You fell to the ground next to Adrien, who only stared out of shock.

"Oh my goodness, honey, it's you, are you alright?" He helped you up, holding your hand.

"YOU'RE CHATNOIR!", Adrien immediately covered your mouth with his hand.

"Shhh, honey, please calm down, let me explain. I was going to get you, but I ran out of time, I'm sorry you had to find out this way, every time there was an attack, I always had to look for you to make sure you were ok. Because, well, I might as well say it now...I love you, with all my heart, and I couldn't bare to see you hurt." Adrien removed his hand from your mouth, other hand still holding yours.

"You've never said that you loved me before." You said.

"Well, I mean it." Adrien faced you, looking deep into your eyes.

"Well, then, I love you too, Adrien." Your lips interlocked into eachother's, you wrapped your arms around his neck while he wrapped his around your waist, you then held his face in your hand, stroking his cheek lovingly.

"Yuck! Gross!" You heard a voice say.

"Honey, this is Plagg, my kwami." Adrien let go and introduced you.

"Nice to meet you, Plagg." You smiled.

"Same here, Adrien will NOT stop talking about you, it's annoying, really."

You and Adrien's faces turned red, but you faced him and kissed him softly again, "aww, I must be pretty great then." You said.

"Oh, but you are." Your boyfriend kissed your neck and you all walked home.

The end.

Hey, everyone! Sorry I haven't been around lately, mostly because I've just found out that I have Covid. I know it's sad, but I'm ok. But this means a bit more time to write so please write some requests because I'm bored out of my mind.

Also, thanks for 1k reads.

Love you.


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