"And you shouldn't…", Bex said. "You out of all the people deserve to be happy, so please don't take me wrong. I am glad that you found it, the family that could give you that feeling. What kind of a friend would I be if I wouldn't blow up in excitement for you? Really. I love you more than anything and I will… I will be there at each step you take in life because you did the same for me. And you know how much you mean to me… you're like my hidden angel. I honestly ask myself how I deserve you.", she sniffed. She knew that she told her all that in Paris a year ago as well but Bex feared that her friend would somehow forget about it. "I just hope everything stays the same between us.", she said, looking up at Lana's eyes with tears running down her red cheeks. 

"It will!", Lana said with a touched expression and blurry sight. "You're my sister after all and I will never ever let you go.", she smiled slightly before pulling her into a hug, which Bex gladly took, even tightening the grip around her friend. 

"Well… Congrats…", the redhead whispered over Lana's shoulder with a small smirk, feeling way better than before. 

"Thanks", Lana grinned back, wiping away her tears with her blanket. "Alright… let's change the topic to something more fun.", Lana said, trying to lift the mood with a chuckle of hers. 

"Well, your relationship is fun!", Bex countered. "Except for the fact that you haven't slept with him until now. Even though I do imagine it is quite weird to see Sean naked.", Bex wondered with a laugh. 

"That's why I am with him and not you.", Lana chuckled. "But yeah… I have to get used to the fact that I am actually allowed to touch him. But as soon as I lay a hand on him all my thoughts vanish.", she grinned mischievously with a certain sparkle in her eyes and a smirk on her lips. 

"Anyway… I don't think we'll have much time to do anything other than packing in the next few days. I mean Sean's friends are coming over tomorrow and I am taking the kids to my house but after that… no chance of free time. We have six days left and didn't pack a single thing. So yeah… that's what we're going to be doing. 

And like Lana said. They really didn't have time for much more than filling boxes and suitcases in the upcoming days. It took them ages to decide what was necessary to bring or whatnot. Since Sean had a whole house up in Vancouver it was mostly clothing and personal items for decoration purposes. But convincing children that they cannot pack their whole room was hard and even accompanied by some tears. It hit them just then that they will leave their house for a while, which broke Lana her heart. 

Gladly the phase of fear of the unknown was quickly replaced with the excitement for their new/old home. 

But the drive all the way up to Canada was exhausting, especially with the kids. The whole journey took them three days since they couldn't drive 20 hours straight. They stayed in hotels overnight, but even with the fact that they all had a good rest, the hours got more and more stressful since everyone was fed up with sitting in a car. 

When they finally reached the house at the end of the third day, Lana and Sean were basically done with their lives. Concentrating on the road for so long was tiring and in addition to that, the kids weren't in a good mood either after a while. You could literally see how the tension lifted from Seana's shoulders when they pulled into the driveway, finally turning off the engine. 

"Thank God.", Lana led out, parking her car next to Sean's, and closed her eyes for a second to relax, leaning herself back in the car seat. 

"We are here!!", Leo exclaimed, full of joy in the seat next to her. He chose to drive with Lana and Lola whilst Amélie and Flynn went with Sean. "Can I go out??", he asked excitedly. The woman just answered with a positive nod, whilst trying not to fall asleep right here and now. 

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