Stay focused. Stay alert. Stay alive.

Start from the beginning

I grab a photo on my phone, as it's still in my hand's. Abu, pulls out a trigger as a policeman walks up grabbing me to safety.

"I'm not going," "She's with me," Elvis say's, but Abu takes, role in pointing at Rab to come help him, tying Elvis behind his back so he faces the wall, the officer points for back up as my brother enters. 

Mum is nowhere to be seen, probably outside in the police car waiting, for the safety route out of here. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you," I shout at Rab. I let the officer walk in, as another one grabs me pulling me back out of Rab and Abu's way, as Abu pulls out a weapon. 

"Let him go," My brother shouts. "You planned, to commit, an attack at my sisters graduation, you failed, because of me, it's time you leave!" My brother shouts raising a hand, my body turning into sweats at what I just heard, I can't see Elvis and his reaction, from my standing  point I only see Abu's weapon. 

"You were a pain in my side! I was so close, if not for that seat pull," He shouts. I remember, my brother changed seats on me at the graduation ceremony. My mouth drops open, I could have been dead twice?  Watching this unfold, making my tummy churn. I feel ill, even as the officer tightens my back, I manage to release myself. 

"Ma'am get back here," He orders. I push Rab, head first into the wall, having snatched the officers gun. "Don't make me do this, leave, now and never talk to me again." I order, "Emma." Elvis turns his body weight enough. 

"Put the gun down," "You heard him," Abu pulls out another weapon, we are now surrounded, both other officers also armed, someone is about to fire, when a shot against my brother from over Abu's, shoulder happens he releases Elvis making him drop to the floor, my brother is on the floor. 

As Elvis resonates back to reality, being able to move, Abu and Rab make a run for it out the opposite end of the pub, Elvis moves towards my brother and I'm about to run after Abu when someone else, pulls me back. 

It's my sister, Lulu, "It's not worth it," She say's, "Let the men, deal with those rotten animals, ambulance is on it's way." 

I'm left fuming, as Elvis walks back over not harmed by the situation. Neither of us were harmed just a bruise. "Did you know about the chair swapping?" I ask Elvis, who looks as pale as ever. I eye him closely, it seems strange for him, to me so delirious. 

Then I look down at his stomach, "Medic, get two medic's, Elvis has been stabbed!" I shout as he collapses on my body. 

Lulu takes his other arm and we wrap Elvis around our necks, moving swiftly through the pub to rest Elvis down before the medic's arrive, for my brother and him.  I stay with Elvis, knowing Lulu will be fine with my brother. 

I get an automatic buzz on my phone, it's from the Manchester news website, saying there had been a shooting in one of the pubs on the main street. At least they don't know it's us, as they haven't named anyone involved. 

Elvis lies down on the stretcher as we move into the ambulance, I climb in the back and everything going forward. I manage to make my way, into the corner next to Elvis who is now asleep and has oxygen in him again. 

I was told by the doctors it should be an overnight stay, now his breathing is back under control.

Captain Charlie James.  

A glimmer of hope, seizes through with daylight hours shining in through the peaks of the trees. The one time Maisie's annoying voice and taunting singing, would be more than welcoming as we surfaces the dusty roads, of Omar's country. We had the truck a few hours back, but lost it in the movement of dust, we know were not to far away. 

I push through the shrub, everything is at a peak, with the owls and birds quiet an occasional snake, which makes my skin crawl at the sight and warn the others to stay close. Finger's has been terrible, shaking in his boots, making jokes about Georgie, back at camp alone. 

I roll my eyes, at Kingy as we move through bush, if only Elvis were here to shut them up. A tumbleweed, moves by in front of me. I look down at my phone and a text has come through from Claire, making me stop suddenly. Kingy runs into the back of me, "Charlie, forward is the way," He prompts. 

"Elvis has been shot," He say's. "How what happened?" Kingy looks down at my phone still with decent signal, were still on camp grounds of sorts, just not our territory, we are normally used to being in. Claire's text comes, in and I open it after the photo in panic. 

Don't panic, were ok, Elvis has been stabbed, by Abu. We had dinner with him and we were both suspicious, my brother has been shot, with my sister Lulu. Now back in hospital, don't panic, we had officers with us, now onto Manchester hospital. Focus on the task. Claire xxx

I'm fuming at Emma's text, she's put her life in danger not to mention Elvis. I can't do anything while I'm here up send back a reply. 

Make sure you and Elvis mend, I want you in with a psychologist, before returning, the both of you. Don't even think about coming back right now, we are getting close to Maisie and Monk, but a few hours ahead of us still, they're on our signal. Charlie xx 

It's all we can do but move forward through the bush now, until we find Maisie and Monk and the heat is getting worse, I think to myself the amount of times, I wanted to leave this place. 

Another Love, Captain Elvis Harte ♡Where stories live. Discover now