𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖝

Start from the beginning

When Bellon woke up, the deer carcass had unwrapped, leaving spots of blood all over his body. Edwrina was standing over him, just about to wake him when his bright ocean colored spheres opened.
"Bellon, get up, don't you hear it?" Edwrina whispered, clearly giddy with excitement.
"Hear what? Edwrina I'm tired let me sleep." Bellon murmured and turned his face into the half eaten deer lung. Edwrina ignored his pleas and grabbed his wrists pulling him into a standing position.
"LIsten, its raining"
"It's basketball time."
Edwrina smirked when she heard her siblings come barreling down the stairs, chanting together,
Bellon peeked his little emo head out the door and was swept up in the wave of pale cold teenagers.
The Coolons got outside, Bellon saw the massive basketball court they had. He had to look up to see the nets, because he was so miniscule, and when he did he was reminded that it was raining by a huge raindrop falling into his intense azure sphere that was peeking from his emo bangs. He pulled on Edwrina's sleeve, and pulled her down to his level.
"W-w-w-w-why do we h-have to play n-n-n-n-n-ow? Can't y-you just p-p-p-play later when it-t-t isn't raining l-l-like t-this?" he sniffled, gesturing to the heavy rainfall that had now soaked his clothes. Edwrina smirked at him knowingly. The beanstalk-like woman pointed to where she could hear and ecolocate one of her siblings dribbling the ball.
"You hear that Bellon, my family is so good at basketball that our soft-rappid dribbles of the ball sound like the pitter patter of rain. So we have to play while it's drizzling out that way people don't get suspicious." Edwrina smirked smirkily and started doing stretches.
Bellon coulndt think of why it would be suspicious, if anyone even cared about the rain sounds of the ball, they would probably just assume it was a sprinkler or something.
Edwrina finished her stretches and her now-testical-less brother Aliec shouted, "Let's play some ball!" and he tossed the basketball up into the air, an arc forming as it hit the ground with a bounce
The teams were divided, boys and girls, and with a shout Rossalis leapt forward to grab the ball. He dribbled so fast it was a blur, little pitter-patters on the concrete. The beautiful pale man shoved past the emo boy standing in his way, Bellon fell to the ground with a cry.
"Get your head in the game!" Esman shouted.
Bellon stood up and shook off his owies, he watched as the girls tried to block the pale man from reaching the goal that was fifty feet above their heads, in a moment of desperation Rossalis tossed the ball high in the air, hoping Bellon could get it and save it from the other team. The ball sailed high in the air, so high it almost disappeared, and came back down with a whistling sound like a torpedo. Bellon screamed and hunched over on the pavement trying to avoid getting hit with the death ball. The ball came down with a crack on top of Bellons back. He screamed and cried.
"Get your head in the game!" Rossalis yelled as the ball gently rolled over to Jaspera. Jaspera grabbed the ball and started dribbling it, she ran to the other side of the court and tossed it over to Edwrina who threw it up into the air and it swished through the basket all the way up in the sky.
"That's one point for the girlsies!" Carlilly cheered and high fived all the girls, stepping on the emo boys back as she did so.
As Bellon held his back in pain, the Coolon boys started singing.
Daddy said to fake right
And break left
Watch out for the pick
And keep an eye on defense
Gotta run the give and go
And take the ball to the hole
But don't be afraid
To shoot the outside "J"

Just keep ya head in the game
Just keep ya head in the game

The boys were singing in Bellons face as he writhed in pain. He believed his back to be broken, and he wished they would stop singing in his face, getting their nasty icky spit all over his face.

And don't be afraid
To shoot the outside "J"
Just keep ya head in the game

U gotta
Get'cha get'cha head in the game
You gotta
Get your, get your, get your, get your head in the game
U gotta
Get'cha get'cha head in the game
You gotta
Get your, get your, get your, get your head in the game
Come on
Get'cha get'cha head in the game
You gotta
Get your, get your, get your, get your head in the game
U gotta
Get'cha get'cha head in the game
You gotta
Get your, get your, get your, get your head in the game

They pushed Bellon onto the ground as they aggressively sang at him, only causing him more pain. Bellon started sobbing but the Collon boys kept singing, forming a loud singing circle around him.

Let's make sure
That we get the rebound
'Cause when we get it
Then the crowd will go wild

Bellon stood up, and decided he was gonna sing back at the boys. When he stood up, he got a sharp pain in his back and had to hold it to keep it from hurting too much.

A s-s-s-s-second chance
Gotta g-g-grab it a-a-and g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-go
Maybe th-th-th-th-this time
I'll d-d-dribble g-good dribbles

I g-g-g-g-otta
Get m-m-my, get m-my h-h-head in the g-game
You gotta
Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
I g-g-gotta
Get my, g-g-g-get my he-he-he-head in the g-g-game
You gotta
Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game

Bellon held the basketball with one hand, the other holding his back, as he and the boys sang together. The girls watched, really confused.
"Why are they singing? Did they even call timeout?", Jaspera asked Carlily, frustrated and angry. She shrugged and gestured at the singing boys.
"I don't really know, but it's pretty entertaining if i'm being honest.", she said, still watching the boys. All the other girls nodded and watched with their adoptive mother.

C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-ome on
Get m-m-m-m-my, get my h-h-h-h-head in the g-g-g-g-game
You gotta
Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
I-i-i-i-i-i gotta
Get m-my, get my head i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-in the game
You gotta
Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game

Why a-a-a-a-am I feeling s-s-s-s-s-so wrong
My head's i-i-i-i-i-in the g-a-a-aame
B-but I can't d-d-d-d-dribble dribble
She m-m-makes this feel s-s-s-so right

Sh-sh-sh-should I g-g-g-go for it
Better sha-shake this, y-y-y-y-yikes!

Edwrina wished she could see what was happening. All she knew was that the boys were singing.
Bellon got ready to shoot, holding the ball with one hand still. He focused on the net hardcore. He was gonna try his hardest to make it, to make the boys proud and prove his worth to the Coolons.

I g-g-g-gotta
Get my, g-g-g-get my h-h-h-head in the game
You gotta
Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i gotta
Get m-m-m-my, get my head i-i-i-i-i-i-in the g-g-g-game
You gotta
Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
C-c-c-c-c-come on
Get m-m-m-m-m-my, get my h-h-h-h-head in the g-g-g-g-game
You gotta
Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game
I go-go-go-gotta
Get m-m-m-m-my, get my h-h-h-head in the g-g-g-game
You gotta
Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game

Bellon made the shot, it looked like it was going to go in the net. Bellons orbs went wide, he jumped up in celebration. And just as he did, the ball bounced off the back-board and hit him in the head, knocking him on the ground. There was a loud crack as his head cracked open on the pavement.
The Coolon boys all fell to their knees in disappointment and defeat as Bellons skull leaked blood everywhere. The girls jumped up in celebration and started high fiving each other, cheering. Jaspera smelled the blood on the pavement, she started sniffing real hard.
"NO!" Rossilis screamed and went to grab Jaspera, the woman was filled with the scent of the small emo boys half breed blood. Edwrina could sense how hungry Jaspera was and was filled with rage.
"HOW DARE YOU TRY TO EAT MY BOYFRIEND!" Edwrina shrieked, the testicals bulging from her face, suddenly both testicals popped out of her head and rolled to a stop on the basketball court, Her large Black orbs seemed to have grown back out of sheer rage.
As the bloody, marker-stained, balls rolled to a stop Aliec screamed
"MY TESTICALS!" He excitedly grabbed his balls and shoved them back into his pants with a sigh of relief, as his ball skin gently reached down to grip his testicals and scoop them back up into the loving dirty ballsack.
When Edwrina could see clearly again she ran at Jaspera, who was still being held by her adoptive father, and while Esman held Jasperas hands behind her back Edwrina punched her sister in the face repeatedly.
"Stop!" Jaspera pleaded, "I swear I wasn't going to hurt him, I can control myself, it's just hard!"
Esman gently released the crying girl and stared at Bellon, who was now quivering on the ground, blood everywhere.
Carlilly scooped up the small emo boy and used her speedy feetseis to run to the house, where she would be able to take care of him

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