Don't worry

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No need to worry Jesus has it all under control.

Don't worry while you can pray. Worrying only brings stress, brings more head ache and pain why worry when you have a father who cares about you so dearly. He cares about every problem you are having, he doesn't like it when you worry. It would be saying that you don't trust him enough to take care of you and to meet all your needs. Whenever you face something that would cause you to feel like nobody cares and you are all alone just remember that Christ cares all about you and that he loves you do much more than anyone ever will. Let him carry you, let him lead you, let him be your closest friend, let him be your burden bearer. He may not come when you want him but know that his timing is sure and he won't ever let you down. When Jesus heard that his friend Lazarus was sick, he waited until he was dead then he visited him, why?

Because he wanted to let the power of God manifest and so that the people could see the glory of God. Stand and see the glory of the Lord in your Life.

Be encouraged.

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