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We are so not perfect in anything we do. Don't you think so?

Yes we all have agreements and disagreements about certain things.

We have our selfish ways and sometimes just want to please us;me,myself and I. The only perfection that ever walked this earth was Christ, he never yet opened his mouth to sin. We are people and people fail, people mess up, people make mistakes, people hurt, people ruin; they can't be counted on. Even though we are so imperfect, Christ blood is able to wash us that we may be white as snow.

He knows we are just humans created by his hands and we are prone for failure but if you just place your hands into his hands: he will lead you and direct you and will change you into who he wants you to be.
If you ask the Lord to change you and take away your bad ways, he will do it, it depends on your heart.

Be blessed.

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