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I wanna shoutout my babes BabyProtege_AJ
For helping me out with this!!! Thank you so many babes🥰🥰💛💛💛


"Alright now, After I found out I was excited that we'd be able to extend our love.
I couldn't wait to be a father and I knew that my wife would be a great mother."

"And I knew you'd been a great father, honey"

"Aw thank you, sweetie"

"Of course, speaking of those moments when it was my first time pregnant. Drew always made sure I was good if I was craving stuff in the middle of the night he'd go out and wouldn't come back until he found it, he'd go to every single appointment and you know it's okay to miss one or two but no Drew came to everyone and made sure he was never late even if we took different cars. Like I remember a couple of times Drew had to be at meetings and he'd leave early just so he could be at my appointment. So I thank God for this great man he has given me. Baby, you wanna say anything else?"

"Yeah, I remember she use to wake me up wanting some Soy sauce and fruit salad-"

"Oh, my lord!!"

I said laughing into my hands...

"An-and Oreo's and eggs"

Drew said laughing...

"I blame it on the baby"

I said laughing...

"Oh, it was the baby's fault?"

"Yea it was the baby's fault"

We laughed it off before continuing...

"But you know that stuff is normal when you're pregnant so I did ask any questions. Alright but I think most of that time, in reality, went by fast. In the movie, it jumped to a few months later when I think she was 7 or 8 months"

"Yeah it was 7 cause at 8 months I gave birth"

"Oh alright, Baby you wanna talk about that part? I know it's emotional"

"Well, when I was 7 months pregnant with our first there was a small tour coming up and it was about 2 maybe 3 weeks long and at the time we were in Ohio. Things were going on but at that performance, I couldn't fit my clothes and I knew I was getting bigger every day but the other days we'd perform we didn't wear our floral dressed we'd have new ones but this time we wore our you brought the sunshine dresses and it didn't cross my mind that my dress would be small. Last time I wore it was when I was at the beginning of my pregnancy so I was that big. So basically I wasn't thinking but anyway I had swapped dresses with one of my sisters and after the performance, I started cramping real bad. So they rushed me to the hospital and they put me on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy"

"I remember when Dorinda had called me I rushed to Ohio I got there in less than 3 hours.
Your mother told me that you and the baby were okay and that you were rushing but I was nervous and driving alone didn't help."

"Yeah I remember you told me that but everything was okay at the time but after that our lives changed for sure"

"That part of our lives...
That's how we became the people we are. Together and personality! Though that was a very hard time for us, it only helped us grow closer to each other and to build our strength and faith in God....."


@JaiCreations 🍃

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