When he stood up infront of mirror he found himself super sexy...

Tae:-I never thought I would have looked that much sexy...ohhh my goshsss" tae stop degrading your self kim taehyung can look equally attractive and sexy in any outfit even only kim taehyung has ability to distract or stealing people's heart  in mediocre dress...tae talked himself then he unbuttoned two upper buttons of his outfit and pulled his Skirt a bit high to making his thigs more visible...he left the room wearing devlish smile...it's mean he made a plan to trick on jk

Tae:-May I come in young master? 

Jk:-yes you may...jk informally said but he was still bussy in reading an article

Tae got disappointed because he was expecting surprise kind of reaction but nothing like that happened...poor tae still managed to drag himself towards bussy man

Tae:-what should I do now?...he coldly  asked

Jk:-Take of my shirt

Tae:-sorry ?

Jk:-I said take of my shirt... jk said using his bossy tune...but he was still looking down

Tae:-why it's me... you can do it by yourself

Jk:-you must playing dumb game with me dont you?...after completing his sentence jk directly looked at tae who was bussy in staring at jk

after completing his sentence jk directly looked at tae who was bussy in staring at jk

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As jk passes his first gaze at tae he freezed at his place for sometimes. because tae was looking damn sexy it seemed like jk forgot to take breath...that outfit was increasing tae's hotness even more...if his hand wasn't injured no one would have ever dared to stop him to eating up Tae or marking him as his property

Tae finally wore smirk on his face because his trick  worked he went near to jk and snapped his finger to bring him back from his day dreaming

Tae:-what are you thinking young master?

Jk:-Ahhh I umm I wasn't thinking anything yeah I wasn't thinking...he was literally panicked

Tae:-should I help you to take of your shirt?

Jk:-hmmm yeahhhh...Jk was still lost in tae's sexy figure

Tae went more close to open jk's shirt buttons while doing that he was looking into jk's eyes without blinking his eyes... he was doing it slow for teasing jk....his every touch was making jk's more impatient tae deliberately  awakened junior Jk 

For hiding from embarrassment jk instantly coverd up his junior jk under the pillow

Tae:-is there something wrong? I mean why are you putting pillow on your lap

Jk:-yeah everything is fine just focus on your work

Tae:-Thats what I am doing... you are the one who is looking distract

After taking off shirt tae helped jk headed to the bathroom...should I also help you in undoing your paints...Tae asked wearing devilish smile

Jk:-no thanks i will do it by myself
Just trun your face

Tae did what his master asked him to do he was about to leave when 

Jk:-yeah one more thing go to change this dress as soon as possible

tae:-why I should change my dress ...I just wore it as a punishment

Jk:-your punishment is creating mess for me...he mumbled but his words were enough loud to capture tae's ears

Tae:-did you say something?

Jk:-no I didn't... just leave

Tae:-hmmm alright...
then tae left for making breakfast

Instead of changing clothes tae preferred to teasing jk a bit more longer

I am in love with you Mr arrogant and with every passing day I find myself falling deeper and deeper fall in love with you "tae thought while decorating breakfast's table

On the other hand jhope sent pictures of several beautiful rings to jin and asked him to select any one of them for his special person to whom soon he gonna propose by putting ring in that person finger


I have most silent readers who just silently read  and leave without leaving any comments and vote which always breaks my heart

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