Chapter 1 ~ Bully

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(Takes place before Mayella)
Willow and Maddox's song: Lover T- Swift

I'm sitting under the unpopular willow tree behind campus. I come here to journal every once in a while when I need to get away from life. I want to become an author, I have always found passion in my writing.

I have written many excerpts but one I'm working on right now is my favorite. It's about this girl named Johanna, she goes to an island and tries to seek escape but the only thing she finds is a handsome man that wants her hand in marriage.

It's a good piece but I just have to find the words that actually go together. I look up from my computer and see my phone ringing. "Hey May!" My sister on the other lines greets me back as we start up a conversation. She is a junior in highschool and wants to become an artist like our mom.

Mom always drew in her free time, I guess Mayella picked up on that. Me on the other hand, I came out more of a tomboy, I always played hockey with my dad rather than bake cookies with mom like May did.

"I have tea, Reece is dating my bully." My mouth drops in shock. "Bree?!" I hear her saying yes and I slam my hands on my leg. "Dang it Reece! I had faith in you!" I curse out. I hear Mayella laugh on the other line but goes silent a little while after. "Well that's all I wanted to say, me and mom are going to the bookstore so I can't talk right now, I will call you tonight."

I say my goodbyes as I decide to get up and walk to my last class of the day. I make it to Chemistry just in time while the bell above me rings. I see my teacher giving me a disapproving look but gestures for me to sit.

I take my seat in the back and take out the materials I need for class. I see Maddox from the corner of my eye smirking at my lateness. I stick my tongue out at him. I dislike him so much. He always made fun of me and embarrassed me in school.

The jerk is self centered. He loves himself a little too much. He knew how to get under my skin. I met him when I first started college. We had to take a physical class because I guess we didn't earn that credit in high school.

He would trip me on runs, make sure that I never won a game, oh and he would always get a better grade than me no matter what. He was my personal hell.

Now it's our second year of college and I still have many classes with him and now he knows how to ruin me. "Alright class, so for the beginning of the year, we are going to have a little contest." The teacher starts which gets my ears to perk up.

"It will be about how well you know your parents are guardians, whoever takes care of you. And if you don't have anyone like that, come to me for a different topic." I smirk to myself. This should be easy peasy.

I look over to Maddox and see that he is smirking as well and catches my eyes and smirks even bigger. This time, he sticks his tongue out at me as I roll my eyes. The bell rings and I gather my materials to go home.

I walk outside the door but get scared when that ugly face comes into my personal space. "Geez, don't scare me like that." I put my hand over my heart.

"I didn't scare you Carter. Plus I just wanted to say good luck because you will need it." He walks with me and I drag my feet and my back hangs low.

"Maddox, get out of my personal space." I speed walk away from him and head to my apartment. Well it's not really an apartment, it's just a huge room with everything in it that I need.

I make myself some food before I plop onto my couch and watch some Gilmore Girls. I hear my phone ringing so I get up and answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey Little Peach!" Mom's voice now hits my ears. "Hey mama, how are you?"

"I'm a good sweetie, but I need some help." She sounds hopeful.

"What's up?" I ask because I have no possible clue of what she would need my help for. "You know me and your fathers anniversary is coming up, it's my year to come out with the event and I have no clue what to do!" She stresses.

I smile, mom knows she can never out do dad. He always comes up with the most adventurous things for them to do and every year that it's mom's turn, she calls me and stresses about what to do.

"Take him to the hockey rink and play with him, then take him out for a picnic." I suggest. "Oh that's good! I will keep that in mind. Alright well I have to go, your sister is having a boy crisis."

"Love you mama, bye." I hang up and go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I make sure to get some of my homework done before going to bed.


"Why can't I think!" I sit under my tree frustrated with myself. I can't think of how to begin my project. I have been sitting here debating whether I should start it with their love story, or their different stories. I bang my head against my computer screen as I throw a temper tantrum.

"I lay my head back on the tree and take a deep breath. I go back to brainstorming when I figure out how I want to go about it. I fist pump the air as I hear a noise from behind me. Maddox is walking my way with a book in hand.

No. There is no way that he found my spot. I'm actually going to kill him. "What's up Carter?" He sits down next to me and takes a big bite out of my sandwich. I pull it away from him and gather my things.

"Go away." I say and he shakes his head. "No, I think i'll stay." I give him the death glare as he looks over and sees my journal. He snatches it in the blink of an eye and opens it. I drop everything else and go to grab my book.

"Give it back!" I reach for it but he holds it above his head. Smirking as he looks down at me. I grab my book and yank it out of his hold. Thankfully, he didn't see anything.

"That's not funny Maddox." I say and gather my things up and leave.



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