1: Bang!

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Percy POV

I was crouched behind a busted car. The car crashed into a coffee shop near the Hudson River. I was on the opposite side of Manhattan. I was trying to get into the city, but there were a lot of zombies on the streets of New York. 

Rule #1: always be careful. I survived 8 months into the zombie apocalypse because I am always careful. 

Hundreds of zombies were scuttering around the street I was in. They moved in sluggish motions, but if they sensed me, they'd all barge at me. I know how to handle zombies, but I wasn't stupid enough to pick a war against them. I was running low on ammo for my guns, and my blade would only be so useful. 

Nope. I need a new plan to cross the bridge. 

A fat zombie nearby turned around suddenly. I froze while crouching deeper into my hiding spot. The buildings around us were rotten and breaking down. The zombies were destroying the city that I once loved and lived in. 

The zombie didn't go away. Instead, it started groaning and rushing toward me. Dam it. 

I waited till the right moment before launching my knife at the zombie. The walker crumbled to the ground with a final screech. I ran at the zombie, grabbed my knife, and retreated inside the coffee shop again. I bolted the doors shut just as zombies started crashing against them. I locked the door before stepping away from the front wall. 

Dozens of zombies collided against the door, trying to break it down. They were looking for flesh and food. In this case, I was the food. 

I looked around the dark cafe. I had already killed every zombie in the shop. My backpack was open on the counter next to the cash register. Of course, the cash was left alone. Cash doesn't matter anymore. Weapons, water, and food are important. 

The stench of death permeated my surroundings. I'm used to it at this point. I'm also used to the groans and screeches. 

The zombies are disgusting. 

However, I've met humans that are even more disgusting. I'd rather not share my experiences with humans after the zombie apocalypse. 

Long story short, I stay by myself. I don't trust anyone with my survival. 

I'm better off on my own. 

I cocked my pistol into a waist holster before grabbing both of my knives. I carefully walked towards the pile of zombies near the front of the cafe. After I arrived at this cafe, I took out the zombies so that I can establish a temporary safe space. 

The groans and collisions increased as I got closer to the front door. Of course, the zombies aren't smart. They only use brute force. In essence, they're rabid animals. 

I crouched next to the zombies. 

I always have to remind myself that they're not alive anymore. They're dead. I pulled a middle-aged green zombie to the floor. Then, I got to work. 

I stabbed into the zombie's stomach before spilling its guts. The dark blood spilled to the floor while I set aside its organs. The intestines and blood are what I'm going for. I smeared the dark blood on my clothes. I also covered the blood on the bare skin of my arms and parts of my face. Then, I placed the intestines over my shoulders like a scarf. 

It's easy to fool the zombies. 

They sense humans based on a sense of smell. Their vision is quite poor, and they get around based on smell. If I smell like a zombie, they'll let me be. 

Just in case, I smeared more zombie blood on my clothes and hair. It was disgusting. The warm liquid seeped down my body, but I ignored it. I reeked. I smelled like rotten eggs mixed with animal urine and poop. Gross. 

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