[Chapter 10]

Mulai dari awal

"Take a seat already darling." His mother gently tapped his shoulder, as she past. Jake sheepishly trailing behind her, in a fresh set of clothes. "I'll go help your mother plate up."

The three boys were left alone now. Jake tried to be discreet in pulling Sunoo aside, but when the two ended up with their backs to Sunghoon, it couldn't have been more obvious they were hiding something.

Sunoo was well aware of how conspicuous this looked, glancing back he could see Sunghoon's confused expression. He knew this wouldn't work, quickly coming up with a better plan. "Text me about it." He whispered, turning away from Jake, he walked over to the table, taking the seat next to Sunghoon.

"And what are you two up to?" Sunghoon asked, his tone suspicious, yet unoffended. Presumably, he didn't think it was anything serious. Which it wasn't, it was just information he wasn't meant to hear.

"It's nothing, Jake was only asking about our history assignment." Sunoo thought of the only thing that could make sense, school work. Though Sunghoon didn't seem to believe it.

"Dinner's served!" Mrs Kim cheered, carrying three plates of pasta into the room. The other Mrs Kim followed behind, with the other two plates. One by one, she laid the pasta in front of the boys, then took her spot at the head of the table. "Eat up, you boys have had a long day."

The clinking of cutlery filled the room, along with meaningless dinner conversation. As Sunghoon was discussing his upcoming football game with his parents, Sunoo slyly slipped his phone from his pocket and texted Jake.


Did you find anything???

A buzzing sound echoed across the room. Jake panicked, quickly silencing his phone. He made sure no one was looking, as he checked the message.


They wouldn't tell me much
It violates privacy policies

Sunoo shot him a 'Really?' look, laced in disappointment. But Jake wasn't done yet, shaking his head, he gestured down to his phone.


They did want to help us a bit tho
They confirmed that a kid from our school,
ordered hyacinths from them lately
Apparently kids our age don't order those flowers often
He was the first they had seen


So it's definitely our guy!


I think so
Plus, when he came to pick them up, he was in a football kit


Why am I starting to think it really could be Heeseung?
I'm not delusional, am I?


Maybe idk
But it seems too coincidental
Heeseung had the florists number
He might have posted it on his insta as a clue

That was a very good point; Sunoo hadn't thought about that. He never considered that the anonymity could be part of a game. Like the person was almost waiting for him to figure everything out. 


"Don't stay up too late." His mum yawned, leaning against her door frame.

"We won't." Sunoo assured. "Good night."

"Good night sweetie." The woman said, gently hugging her son.

As she shut her door, Sunoo yawned, stretching his arms out at his sides. His mother didn't need to worry about him staying up, he knew the minute he hit his pillow, he'd be out. 

The tired boy waddled back to his room, ready to get some rest. However, as he reached his room, he found himself frozen. He could hear his friends whispering, and the faint sound of Jake's giggles. His heart beat sped up, but he had no idea why. The door was slightly open, so he leaned closer, taking a peek inside. The two boys were sat on the floor, facing each other, both smiling from ear to ear. 

He took note at how Jake's hand was resting on Sunghoon's thigh, and how they both seemed rather giddy about something. For a split second, Sunoo felt this desire to storm in and push them apart. It was a strange rush of anger, that disappeared almost as quickly as it came. Then the guilt came in, washing over Sunoo, he resented that previous thought. He shouldn't be mad at his friends, they did nothing wrong.

It just felt like he was the one left out this time. 

The Admirer| SunSunTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang