Part 25

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                                 ~Four days later~

3rd person POV:

Y/n lays on the couch of the dance room Straykids is practicing in. It's now around two in the morning. For the past three days they have been working non stop for their first performance on kingdom. The music is loud as the sweaty guys dance their hardest.

"Okay I think we can be done for tonight." Chan tells everyone as the music ends. "Awe y/n's sleeping" Hyunjin says pointing at her smooshed face laying against the couch.

"I'm glad she's doing good" I.N says smiling at her as she sleeps.

"I will wake her up I will get things cleaned up then meet you down there." Chan tells the guys.

Chan goes over to the couch waking y/n up. She stirs around stretching while rubbing her eyes"What time is it?" She mumbles. "Two in the morning the guys are going to walk you down to the car." Chan tells her y/n gets up holding her purse follow Felix.

Changbin stays behind helping Chan clean up. "She's not getting better is she?" He asks him. "What do you mean?" Chan asks looking at changbin. "Not that I mind because I enjoy it...but she never wants to be alone now. She's been smiling so much lately she's been acting 'happy'....but not actually. She's not doing okay Chan is she?" He asks.

"She's trying her best. She's trying to be okay." Chan tells him. "Mm but she shouldn't suppress her feelings. It isn't healthy.... Are we still going to have Hyunjin stay?" He asks.

"He's very persistent about it so yes." Chan tells him.


Everyone is in the kitchen area by the table. "so what are we going to do about y/n?" Hyunjin asks. "What do you mean?" Lee know says looking at Hyunjin. "Mm it's just she won't be working for a month because she is on her break before her comeback and we will be so busy with kingdom." Hyunjin says.

"What point are you trying to make?" Han asks him. "What I'm trying to say is that maybe someone should stay with her." Hyunjin tells them crossing his arms leaning his back against the counter.

"I will stay." Chan says. "You can't your to important to the group they need you your the leader." Hyunjin protests.

"Wait they?" Felix asks with a bit of attitude and confusion in his voice.

"Well I was thinking...that maybe I should stay I'm the least important member." Hyunjin tells them lowering the sound of his voice as the sentence went on.

"What the hell?" Felix says mad and shocked "that is such bull and nowhere close to true."

"Well I'm just saying! You need changbin you need Chan you need seungmin and I.N Lee know is also needed including Han and you are an important piece as well you will all be fine without me." He tells Felix.

The two of them argue for three minutes back and forth "okay enough." Chan says finally breaking things up.

"Hyunjin has a point. Someone should be with y/n." Chan tells them to which Felix sighs crossing his arms. Chan didn't want anyone to have to stay back but knew it was something that had to be done. He's realized that she's been acting weird.

He's seen the hate she receives on social media and the threats along with comments telling her things.

"Are you sure this is something you want to do?" Chan asks Hyunjin. He nods his head "yes it's something I want to do." Hyunjin tells him.

"Okay." Chan says.

"BUT-" Felix begins to protest but the door opens in walking y/n.

"Are you hungry?" Felix asks. Trying to act as if everything is normal.

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