"If your done being annoying, you can help me and we can go get your stuff back." You had intended for it to be a way to lead mobs into it, and have them die and allow you to collect their drops in a chest under it. 

The annoyed blond grumbled in agreement, only because didn't have any of his stuff. Which made you overpower him. 

You opened your inventory to give him some blocks when you noticed something out of the ordinary. 
"Wait did you drop your sword?" There in your inventory was his op sword. 

"Give it to me!" He demanded. 

You laughed. "Hell no. You dropped it. And you kept killing me. It's mine now." 

He continued to demand you give it to him, he even asked somewhat nicely. But you continued to refuse. You weren't about to let him kill you again. 

Eventually, Bakugou got an idea and left you alone. You didn't think much of it. 'He's probably going to get his stuff.' You assumed and carried on with building. 
That is until he came back with no armour on and a bucket of water in his hands. 

He walked into the room with all your Redstone work and told you to give him his sword back. When you denied, he shrugged. 

"Fine. But this is on you." You looked at him confused, but that quickly changed to anger and horror when he pulled out a bucket of water and poured it all over the Redstone you worked so hard on. 

You were unable to speak any words. You just sat on your desk chair in shock. Distraught and mortified. 'Who does he think he is?' You growled softly before rage quitting the game and turning off your discord. 

"Mother fucker thinks he's all that." You muttered to yourself, as you got off your chair and walked back over to your bed, grabbing the book that you had discarded earlier. "Good luck getting your sword back if I'm not on dumbass." 

You read about one paragraph from the book when your phone started ringing. You looked at it seeing that Bakugou was calling you. You snorted softly and turned off the phone, sending him to voice mail. 


The next day, the class was able to go back to class. 

The class was in English with Present Mic when there was a knock on the door. Then the door slid open and Mr. Aizawa walked in followed by two police officers. 

"Apologies Present Mic. Y/N, we need you to come with us." Mr. Aizawa explained. When he noticed your confused expression, he clarified. 
"You're not in trouble. These men just need to ask you some more questions about your mom." 

You rolled your eyes. 
"I already told the police everything I know." 

"Please, it won't take long." One of the officers chimed in. 

You huffed with a roll of your eyes and pushed out of your seat, then followed the men to the principal's office. 


After school was done, everyone headed back to the common area to relax. 

You and Bakugou haven't talked since the Minecraft incident. You were pissed that he ruined your Redstone, and he was mad that you stole his sword. 

Bakugou was sitting in the common area on the main floor with some of the boys, while you were in the kitchen area hanging out with Jiro. And by hanging out, you were sitting on the counter on your phone while she talked with some of the girls. 

Bakugou was only half paying attention to the boys. He was too caught up with thinking about how he could get you to get back on the server so he could kill you and get his sword back. 
However, a part of the boy's conversation caught his attention. 

"You have hit on every girl in the class, except for Y/N. Why is that?" Sero asked Kaminari. 

"Three words. Y/N. Is. Scary." He replied counting the words on his fingers. 

"She's not that scary." 

"She is intimidating. And she could literally kill all of us. Did you see how she attacked that girl in Camino?" Kirishima chimed in. 

"You guys are just babies." Sero rolled his eyes. Then he turned to Bakugou. 
"You know. She's not that scary." 

Bakugou thought about it for a second, before shrugging. 
"She's not terrifying." 

"Are you guys seriously scared of her?" Sero questioned, looking at everyone in disbelief. 

"Well if you're not scared of her, ask her out," Kaminari challenged. That caught the other blond-haired boy's attention.  Kaminari noticed this and smirked. 
"If that's ok with Kacchan." 

All the boys turned to him, Sero turned with a smirk. 
"I don't fucking care what she does." Bakugou expressed; leaning back into the couch. 
"It's not like she'll say yes." 

"So, you wouldn't be mad if I asked her out." Sero was toying with him. 

"It's not like she'll say yes." Bakugou pulled his phone out of his pocket to look as if the idea didn't bother him. 
But it did. So much. But it's not like he could show that. You guys weren't even dating. 

"Hypothetically, if she were to say yes. You wouldn't be mad." Sero continued to toy with him. 


"Alright, then." Sero started as he stood up. 
"Let's put that to the test." 

Sero walked away from the common area and headed toward the kitchen. The boys watch him, interested in the interaction that was about to go on. However, no one was more invested than Bakugou. Whether he would show it or not is another story. 

Sero walked up to you and got straight to the point. 
"Do you want to help me bully Bakugou?" That got your attention immediately. 


"He thinks that you will say no if I ask you on a date. So," Sero leaned against the counter. 
"Would you like to go on a fake date to piss your best friend off?" 

Y/N bit the inside of your cheek and thought for a moment. 'It's not like it's a real date.' You thought. 
"Sure, why not." You shrugged. 

Sero smiled and nodded. "Alright. When do you want to go?" 

Once the "date" was confirmed, Sero nodded and went back to the boys. He sat on the couches and pulled out his phone as if nothing happened. 

"What'd she say?" Kaminari asked eagerly. 

Bakugou was only half paying attention. 'She's not that desperate.' He thought as he continued to scroll through social media. 

"Oh, she said yes," Sero replied, barely looking up from his phone. 

Bakugou's head shot up faster than he wanted. He looked at Sero; not sure if he should be surprised or angry. 
'What the fuck?' 

Words: 1717
Hey guys. 
First things first, Happy birthday Bakugou. This is my present to him. I hope he enjoys lmao. 
Second, a little life update, I had bed bugs and stayed up all night last night because I was so itchy. (It was torcher) And this morning, I feel like I have a frog in my throat, my head is pounding, and my leg hurt because idfk. So that is my life. 
Third, I just finished planning the last chapter, and there will be 85 chapters. So we are getting pretty close to the end. Which is a lot sadder than I thought it would be. Thank you guys for being here with me. I really hope you are enjoying it. 
I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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