"Up!! Up, up!", she repeated desperately to wake her brother but Leo didn't seem impressed by that at first. 

"Nana! Up!", the girl said again and reached for Leo's hand to slightly pull on it. 

"I know, he doesn't want to get up, mh?", Lana asked before placing Amélie on the bed for her to give kisses to her bigger brother. Leo immediately started giggling and tried to put his hands in front of his face to block it but Amé just kissed his hands instead until the boy finally opened his eyes. 

"Ready for school, little pirate?", Lana asked with a grin on her face and Leo nodded excitedly since they were working on a project in school that he really enjoyed doing. 

He jumped right out of bed and put on his school uniform before storming downstairs where Flynn was already having some Cereal. 

Lana followed soon after with Amélie on her hip, before placing her in the highchair on the table with a "Morning, Flynn", in between. 

"Should I just do some Weetabix for Amélie?", Lana asked, getting a positive answer back from Sean. Whilst he was preparing the lunch boxes, Lana fed the little Girl and ate some of it on her own before packing the finished boxes in Flynn and Leo's backpacks. 

As usual, Sean was the one who was driving the kids to school whilst Lana was working on her computer with Amélie by her side, which wasn't as simple as she thought since her niece was constantly trying to get her attention. 

"It's time for you to go to nursery. I can tell you.", Lana smiled, putting her on her lap. "You will have lots of new toys and some children to play with. Isn't that great? It's starting in less than two weeks when we are all the way up in Vancouver. We are going to have a great time there and Lola will be with us all the time.", Lana explained with a grin. 

"Dog!", Amélie squealed before pointing at Lola, who was lying unimpressed in the bed she had at Sean's house by now. 

"Yeah. Exactly. Lola the dog. We need to go on a walk with her when your daddy is back. Or maybe I ask him to go because I am not feeling like walking today.", she said with a grin whilst Amélie was exploring her face with her little hands. 

Sean arrived soon after, carrying some random stuff the teacher gave to him." I am back", he called out, so Amélie started walking up to him. 

"Hey, sweetie. Where did you leave Lana, Mh?", he smirked and walked with her in his arms back to the living room. 

"Is someone giving you a hard time?", Sean asked when he saw Lana's tensed up body, frowning at the sight of her computer. 

"Yeah… right now my period and this dumb surface.", she answered dryly. "Why isn't that working?!?", She exclaimed loudly, whilst aggressively tipping on her Laptop. 

"Oh no. Hormones paired up with frustration are not a good mix. Want me to make you a cup of tea?", he asked nicely before sitting down next to her. Lana just looked up to him, followed by a deep exhale and a shake of her head. 

"No, thank you… I already had one. But could you do me the favor of taking Lola on a walk? I feel like staying at home today… pretty sure I will be better tomorrow.", she said, biting her lip because she wasn't sure if it was quite disrespectful to ask him since it was her dog. But her fear vanished quickly when Sean grinned from ear to ear. 

"Sure! Amélie and I can take her to the dog park and on our way back we can pick up some Burgers. What do you say about that?", he smiled. 

His words left Lana in shock. "You… you would pick up some burgers for me?", She asked, almost tearing up because of that. "I love you so much!", she said with a big kiss on his cheek. 

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