Chapter ~ 3: Solving Money Trouble

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[ End Of Flashback No Jutsu: Y/N's POV ]

Like the flashback? Yeah, I know, the start of this new life of mine is a shit show, but knowing my luck, It's about right on the grade of badness.

Anyways~ Enough of that depressing stuff, let's get the show on the road!


[ Third POV: Y/N L/N ]

Knowing his audience is caught up, Y/N smiled, showing off his vampire-like teeth.

Following someone Into some sort of Inn, Y/N shot to the stairs.

' Let me borrow this real quick~' Seeing a vacant room, he walked In and locked the door.

Taking off his black backpack, he pulled out some normal-looking clothing. These clothes were for after Gym, but without anything else to change Into, this will have to do.


' This is somewhat less eyes-catching...'

(New Y/N Outfit)

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(New Y/N Outfit)

Keeping himself out through the mirror, he smiled, comfortable and relaxed In his clothes.

" Ain't you handsome?" Chuckling at himself, Y/N put his backpack back on and cloaked his whole person In darkness.

He then unlocked the door and walk downstairs, out of the Inn.

' Now money...' He's pretty sure this world doesn't take USD or Yen, so money is a big problem for him.

Remembering something, Y/N strolled back over to the alleyway he was In and followed the smell of sex and metal.

After making a few odd twists and turns through the alleyway, he suddenly found himself In some sort of underground Blackmarket.

After making a few odd twists and turns through the alleyway, he suddenly found himself In some sort of underground Blackmarket

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' Just my kind of place,' Grinning, Y/N shadow traveled around the place.


' Odd... This place has like zero security.' It's honestly survival of the fittest under here.

' Well, that's good for me then.'

Following a shady-looking robed person, Y/N eyes flashed remembering the bag of golden coins he saw Inside It. If he remembers right, the man he's following is an Information broker. The reason he's now somewhat rich is due to being knowledgeable on how many Heroes were summoned and what they looked like.

' Huh, this world is corrupted as well...' Knowing that Church is not Pure', Y/N lips curled up. It seems he will get some great donations soon.

" Hahhhh, I made It back alive!" Tailing the shady guy back Into an equally shady Neighborhood and house, the guy sat down on a couch and cried out.

" Hahaha! I'm rich now!" Holding the bag of gold as his life depended on it, the man once more cried out.

' This guy isn't very smart is he?' Bored, Y/N questioned himself, uncloaking his person In darkness.

" And they say-"

Before he could say anymore, his eyes widened seeing a terrifying shadow come to life, revealing an equally terrifying person with blood-red eyes.

" Hello there~" Friendly, Y/N waved at the scared shivering guy.

" W-Wh-Who?"

" No one special," Leaning over the guy, Y/N eyes flashed with frightening emotions," Now if you could be a lad and hand over that bag~"

" What bag?"


With a powerful slap, the guy's eyes rolled back as he started choking on his blood, falling on the floor at Y/N's feet.

" This bag~" Kicking the body away from him, Y/N picked up the bag and smiled.

" Thanks for your generous donation!" With a wave of thanks at the dying guy, Y/N cloaked himself In darkness and roamed away from this neighborhood.

Y/N understands the ancient law of the jungle and he embraced it. At his core of a person, he's a Chaotic Neutral person, who follows his own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although chaotic neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; good and evil come second to their need to be free, and that is Y/N down to the T. All and all, he's a Free Spirit who does anything he feels like doing.

' This going to be fun~' Making his way back to the Inn, Y/N smiled, honestly liking this new world.


[Author: I hope you enjoyed my third chapter. If you did, please leave a comment and star the chapter~

See ya next time at the next chapter~

And If you do like my stuff, then why not follow me? ]


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