Chapter 70: Robby Keene Search Party

Start from the beginning

"We could still help him," his wife states. The man claps Louie's shoulders and instructs, "alright, find the VIN number, text me the GPS" before walking away. He abruptly halts and turns around. "You coming?" he asks his wife. "Yeah," Rosalía responds before facing Louie. "Thank you so much," she tells him, clapping his shoulder.

She's so happy to finally have a lead on Robby. "Of course. You know, not for nothin'. If it were me, I would've taken a Ferrari," Louie randomly remarks. The woman turns to him. "Yeah, right. You wouldn't make it out of the parking lot," she pokes fun, chuckling before going after Daniel.


West Valley General Hospital

Selena enters a waiting room and walks up to the reception desk. "Hi, I'm here to see Miguel Diaz," she voices. The nurse glances up at her. "Oh, yeah, I remember you. Right through there," she responds, pointing at the double doors to the side. "Thank you," the girl replies, heading into the ICU. She's visited Miguel a few times in the last two weeks. She claimed to be his cousin so they'd let her in. She walks through the hall, searching for Miguel's room.

She picks up her pace once she spots his room number. She stops in the open doorway, seeing Carmen and Rosa at the boy's bedside. She nervously steps inside the room. "Hola [hello]," she pipes up, making the two women whirl around. They grin, delighted to see her. "Hi, mija," Carmen greets, approaching and hugging the girl. Rosa hugs her next. "Llegaste justo a tiempo [You got here just in time]," the old woman claims.

"Para que? [For what?]" Selena questions. "La enfermera dijo que hablaramos de cosas que le encantan a Miguel. A el siempre le ha encantado hablar contigo [The nurse said to talk about things Miguel loves. He's always loved talking to you]," Rosa explains. Selena grins at this, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. "Y yo con el [And I with him]," she replies.

The women smile at her response. "We'll leave you two alone," Carmen tells her, knowing the girl may have some things to share with her son. "Gracias [thank you]," Selena replies before they exit the room. Her eyes fall upon Miguel and she slowly steps toward him, stopping at his bedside. Her chest feels heavy as she observes him in his comatose state. She wishes he would open his eyes, move a finger... anything. "Hey, Miguelito. It's me again," she softly speaks up. "Um... today was supposed to be my first day back at school after getting suspended."

"I was there for like a whole minute or something and then I left... and now here I am. I couldn't... I just couldn't do it," she says sadly. "But that's okay, I'd rather be with you anyway," she adds in a happier tone, lightly chuckling. She stays silent for a moment. Talk about things he loves, she thinks, racking her brain for something to talk about. Every time she's visited, she's told him funny stories, described a tweet or video she saw, and talked about music and TV shows they both like. "Hey," she utters, leaning a bit closer.

"You know what we should do? We still need to go to a Bad Bunny concert together. He's not doing an Oasis tour but for the next album. Whenever it comes out and he announces a tour, we're going, okay? And not just Bad Bunny. We also need to see Rauw Alejandro, Becky G, Sech, we gotta see everyone... You just gotta wake up first. And I know you will... because you're a fighter," she rambles. Tears start to well up in her eyes and she takes a breath to calm down.

"I miss you. I miss talking to you. I mean, I know that's what I've been doing and that you can hear me but... I just wish you could talk back," she claims, her voice slightly breaking. "I hope I haven't been annoying you with my endless yabbering over the last two weeks. Unless it motivates you to wake up and tell me to shut up," she yaks, chuckling lightly. Her smile turns into a frown and a few tears leak from her eyes. She releases a sob and covers her face.

"Oh, God... I'm sorry," she utters, realizing that he can probably hear her crying. "I'm sorry," she repeats, wiping her face. She grabs Miguel's hand, gently squeezing it. It's hard for her to see him like this. He doesn't deserve this. "Please come back to me soon," she pleads. She lifts his hand to her lips, pressing a kiss to his knuckles. She smiles softly at him and whispers, "I love you, Miguel."


Rosalía and Daniel are in the car, looking for Robby. The woman looks down at Daniel's phone in her hand as it beeps. "He should be around here somewhere," she announces as she studies the GPS tracker map on the screen. "Come on, Robby. Where are you?" her husband mumbles as he watches the road. He pulls over and the two climb out of the car. Rosalía looks at the phone, which keeps beeping, indicating that they've reached the tracker. She and Daniel scan their surroundings in confusion, seeing nothing but trash.

"The van's not even here," the woman pipes up, shaking her head. She glances at the ground, a certain object by her foot catching her eye. She bends down and picks up a small black box labeled "LaRusso Auto Group." She and the man exchange a look and she sighs in frustration. "I thought it was too easy," she remarks. She's not surprised that Robby removed the tracker, he's very intelligent after all. "He must've remembered we track all the trade-ins. Now we're back to square one," Daniel comments. His wife frowns.

"Do you think he could've gone somewhere nearby?" she asks. The man thinks for a second, an idea popping into his head. "Maybe one place..." he trails off. Rosalía eyes him curiously. However, she quickly perks up, figuring out where he means. "It's worth checking," she responds. She doesn't really think Robby would go there if he's on the run but it doesn't hurt to make sure. Her husband nods and replies, "come on" as they head back to the car.

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