The meeting of the deadly

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(WARNING fiction twisted with non fiction)

Carmen delicately swooshed the spoon of lumpy mushed potatoes into Miguel's twisted mouth as he observed the light colored area around him and his family. Carmen had just explained to Miguel about what had happened while he was sleeping. Miguel sighed and looked down ashamed, "So Cecily gave us the money so we could pay for my surgery." Carmen nodded as did his Yaya. "Have you seen her anywhere else." She shook her head guiltily "Miggy she left to look for Robby." Yaya looked worriedly at Miguel, Carmen glanced at Miguel as well and added in blurry murmurs "But she'll be back Miggy dont worry." Miguel's thoughts drifted uncontrollably to Tory and Sam. Miguel then whispered blankly under his breath "What have I done."

The vivid yellow light of the sun beamed through the grey curtains in streaks making little specks of dust visible as they twirled smoothly with every big movement. Cecilys eye lids opened slowly revealing her deep hazel eyes as they adjusted to the calm yellow color that filled the room.
She felt two strong arms strapped with muscle around her waist. With a twisted face she inspected the firm arms around her by placing her hands on them. The mysterious person moved closer to her revealing no pants or shirt. She looked down at her self and gasped, she shot her head back up and turned around to see Robby. Cecily felt confused. "I just slept with Robby?" She blabbered in her mind. "Oh shit." The words slipped out in a perfect sentence. She hopped up, hoping not to wake him. "Hey." Cecily whimpered as she heard the voice, she turned to Robby as he sat with his right hand holding up his head as he lay on his side, showing his abs. Cecily puffed out a sigh as she reminded him wonderfully "Sam's gonna be pissed." His face turned serious like he seemed to forget Sam existed last night. Suddenly he snapped out of his Sam obsession and laughed, grabbing Cecily by her waist and pulled her back into the bed.

Later that day, Hawk smashed the doors to Miguel's hospital room and layed his side on the doorway with a big smile he was about to speak when he seen Sam next to Miguel's bed, his smile dropped dead and stepped forward off the door. Sam quickly said goodbye and waddled awkwardly outside of the door and Hawk stomped loudly behind her. When they were both outside Hawk lowered his voice so that Miguel couldn't hear him, "What do you think your doing here?" "What does it look like." She snapped back. "Your the reason he's in that bed." He said, "If you hadn't of cheated maybe Miguel wouldn't be in a wheelchair and maybe Cecily and Robby wouldn't be missing!" Sam looked at him with a determined face. "Maybe if you hadn't cheated, Cecily wouldn't be out kissing other men!" Sam smirked. "How would you know that." "Because, that's what any woman would do!" Hawk turned his devil face on and smiled evily, "You know what, I don't think your boyfriend is very loyal." Sam gasped and said, "Well that's what me and Cecily have in common." She said and rushed out without looking back.

Robby sat excitedly on a lunch chair in a park, Cecily was a few shops down buying Robbys favorite food. He was gazing at to rich cars on the busy road and seen Daniels car drive past. He quickly ducked his head down and pulled his hoodie over his head, but it was too late. Daniel was parked on the other side of the road and was dialing the police. Robby got up and was beginning to run to the small wooden fence but was stopped by multiple police as they circled him. Cecily heard the sirens of the police and dashed out of the shop to find Robby, on the ground with cuffs around his wrists. She ran over with heavy breaths, she rushed over but some cops held her back. "I'm sorry Ma'am but he will be taken to the station and we'll handle him from there on." The police officer confirmed. "N-n-no!" She yelled. "You cant." Robby stared at with a shocked look as Cecily gripped the police officer and her eye glowed a bright red, she glanced up at Robby his expression was undescribable to her. They then floated back to their normal colour. She cried helplessly as they took Robby into the car and drove off leaving her shattered. She walked up to Daniel and slapped him hard. Before Daniel could say anything she ran off.

Cecily drove back into the Valley, and parked her car at the beach. She was staring at the sunset when a tall man with slumped shoulders walked up to her like a penguin. She glared at him and he responded very calmly, "I know about you, your life." "Ew what a creep." He laughed. "John told me about you." He held out his hand, "Silver. Terry Silver." She shook it awkwardly. "What do you want?" "I want to help you." She stared at him like he was the craziest person on earth. "Yes you can, just take all that anger and you can channel it. I know about your past." Cecilys eyes glowed red again. "Ahh there's your little secret. It's not really a secret though I've know it for a long time" Cecily jumped off her car and stood in front of him. "I'm suspecting you want to make a deal." She said her eyes glowing a dark red this time. "Yes. Although I do know that it was partially your fault the boys in jail." She narrowed her red eyes. "And Why do you think that." "Because you could've killed everybody in that city in a night. And you could've turned him in earlier so it didn't have to go down like that." "What do I have to give you in your dumb deal." Terry smirked. "Well I want you to be my weapon little Hybrid."

Cecily got away from Terry and was running non stop in the forest. "I'm gonna run and I'm not gonna stop." She said in tears as she ran harder and harder with her eyes flashing all sorts of colors. "It's my fault Robbys in jail." Flashbacks kept flaring in her mind. She ripped through the human in her and turned.

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