The Angel or The Devil

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As the man sat in deathly silence in pools of dark red blood, a shadow hovered over him. The police. They were investigating the crime scene, and tried to get finger marks from the knife that was stabbed all the way through the mans chest. Worst of all it was close to the dojo so of course a lot of people knew about it. But they didn't know who did it all except for one other person...

Cecily drove to school like it was any other day. She had gotten a text message from Tory saying, "Miguel kissed me and idk what to do." Cecily felt like a queen, and approved of their relationship. She didn't care about Miguel anymore, She had her eyes locked on Hawk. Besides you can't kiss your best friends boyfriend. Can you?

Cecily spotted Hawk in science, and since Miguel was mysteriously absent, she figured she'd be his science partner. They talked a lot during science, and learned quite an amount about each other.

When school was finished Cecily went to the dojo. On her way there Tik Tok gave her a few pointers on kissing boys. Cecily already had enough experience with boys though. 

When she walked in the dojo, all eyes were on her. And she was immediately accepted. In the corner of her eye she could see Tory's friendly smile. Everybody at school said Tory was weird and crazy. But everybody has a soft side. Cecily already knew how to fight. She'd been fighting all her life. Like the time when she had to fight some teenage jockes, that wanted to do the dirty with her. But Cecily was far past that.

After class Cecily pulled Hawk aside in the shop. "Hey" She said. She pinned Hawk against the wall. "Playing hard to get I see." She muttered. Hawk put his hands on her waist. Cecily then smashed her lips onto his as Hawk traced her waist. "Why am I against the wall." He muttered through kisses. He flipped Cecily around, and started pulling her waist in even more. As they were smashing their faces together, footsteps were at the door and they grew louder by the second. Cecily opened her eyes to find Miguel standing next to them. "Can I get some chips please?" He asked obviously disturbed and a bit sad. Cecily and Hawk moved out of the way. "Oh I have to go now, bye" Cecily said through smiles. "Yeah bye."

Cecily and Tory were in Cecilys bedroom. They both exchanged stories about their boyfriends. Tory laughed so hard when Cecily told her that they kissed in the shop. "Straight runner." Tory laughed. "Hey Cecily there's a party soon at Moons tomorrow you should go." Cecily nodded. "I'll think about it." "You have a big house." Tory admired. "Yeah" "Wheres your parents?" Tory asked. "They passed." Cecily said with a hurtful smile. "Oh I'm sorry, I don't know my dad but my mom she's struggling." Tory said. Hearing that Cecily came up with a plan.

Hawk was at the market and he came across Kreese. "Sensei, what are you doing here?" "Buying food, same as you." Kreese replied. "I saw your little kiss with Collier." He continued with the most evilest smile there could be. "Oh um you seen that." "Yes I did, that girl has a rough life so go easy on her." Kreese stopped smiling. "Also don't cheat, either you or the girl you cheated with, will wake up in a hospital bed." "Or worse." He smirked again. Hawk was confused. Cecily wasn't dangerous. She didn't look dangerous. Kreese answered his thoughts, "Like they say the devil was once an angel."...

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