Ups and Downs

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Bright and early the next morning, Kreese found out that Johnny and Daniel had teamed up to look for Robby. "And yet Robby still hasn't been found, she's better than I thought." Kreese muttered. Kreese turned to the tall man standing in the dojo, "You'll have fun training with her, she'll be the ultimate weapon, better than the police." Kreese said. "Oh and have I told you about the crime thats just around the corner from here " He smirked. "That was her. Told you she was better than the police." "Oh and she has a friend, Nichols. They share the same crazy, passionate bond that we did." Kreese walked closer to the man." "Don't you think, Terry."

Daniel and Johnny were still on the hunt for Robby. "Hey Larusso where the heck are we going?" Johnny said in a mess. "We're going to the person knows Robby the best." Daniel said with a smile. "And who is that?" "You'll see." He said as he parked at a big, open building. "What are we at Hipster town?" He said as he followed Daniel into the building as he was greeted nicely with warm looks, the opposite happened to Johnny everyone looked a him like he didn't belong anywhere other than a dumpster. Daniel walked outside"Sharon" he greeted her with a warm hug. "Oh no Larusso."

Cecilys eyes opened slowly and the first thing she saw was Robby staring boredly at his shoes. She looked around and noticed she was in the backseat with her legs on Robbys lap. He seen her eyes open, "Hey Cecily you crashed out and I got a little bit tired to so I parked the car and put you in the back." He smiled proudly. "Where did you sleep?" She asked "Oh I slept beside you." She smiled, "I like the haircut." Robby looked down ashamed. "No, hey it looks good on you. To be honest your other hair cut was growing a lot so it's good that you cut it." He looked shyly at her. "And besides where we're going it doesn't matter what you look like." She jumped up and scruffled his hair.

She jumped out quickly and Robby followed after her. "Oh look we can stay in that hotel." She pointed at a fancy building. "I don't know, what if they recognize me and call the cops." Cecily smiled, "Robby I have been chased by the cops for a long time and there still looking for the person who was responsible for the crime. Which was me." He smiled warmly. "Ok I guess I could take a little break." As Robby stared at her, Cecily grabbed his hand and walked across the street to the hotel.

It looked like this

When they got the most private hotel room, Cecily crashed down onto the bed

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When they got the most private hotel room, Cecily crashed down onto the bed. "Wheres the other bed?" She asked. "You told her to give us something private so I think she thought we were gonna get up to some naughty things." He laughed. "Well might as well play along to our roles." She laughed and jumped on Robby hugging him tightly. Robby hugged her back, Cecily pulled her head back up, "I have an idea. Since we have rest of the day to spend for rest reasons obviously, let's go shopping!" Robby smiled in agreement.

Sam had just taken a shower and she strutted slowly into the kitchen. She took a drink of water from the fridge and gulped it down, refreshing herself. She looked around to see Amanda, with two brown files on the table. "Hey mom, why aren't you at work?" "I let Louie take over for the day, we need to figure something out." "What is it," Sam asked "These brown files?" Amanda nodded. Sam sat down across from her. "Sam we need to talk about these girls that attacked you." Sam looked down and nodded he head slowly. "As you know Cecily has gone after Robby." "I don't know why she went after him? She basically influenced the fight." "Yes I know Sam, but we are able to get this Tory girl and give her a punishment as well." Amanda said. "Well what are you gonna do to Cecily?" "I don't know yet but we'll find a punishment for her as well."

Johnny sloped next to Daniel as they sat in a lunch seat in jail. "These numbskulls better know something." Johnny whispered as Robbys old friends walked over. They gave Johnny and Daniel some information after Johnny wacked one of them a bit. As the were walking out, Daniel said, "You know Johnny you didn't have to hit him!" "Yeah well that was the only way to get information out of him." Johnny said proudly.

After shopping and tasting most of the drinks in the mall, Cecily and Robby crashed onto the bed. "That was so tiring." Robby said with a bright smile on his lips. "Yeah, I'm just gonna go for a quick shower be right back." Cecily jumped up grabbed a bag with her clothes and some toiletries and left into a small room diagonal from the bed. Robby lay down in boredom as the shower turned on. 10 seconds later, Robby jumped up looking for something to do. He walked up to the bathroom door and opened the door, he looked up surprised there were no screams. He looked up and seen Cecily covered in a towel staring at him with a look of surprise and confusion. "What are you doing." She asked looking around. "I-" "And why do you have your shirt off?" "Oh I was just going to bed and came to check on you." He said as he eyed Cecilys towel. He looked at Cecilys eyes to see her holding back a smile, "Oh I'm gonna go now." He said with a smirk. "Yah I'll meet you in," He looked at her. She sighed, "Quotation marks bed." She smiled. So did Robby.

A few minutes later, Cecily walked in wearing loose shorts and a singlet. She placed herself softly next to Robby who's eyes were glued to her. "Goodnight." Robby said and faced towards her. "Night." Cecily turned her body around and faced Robby with a little smile. "Are we gonna go shopping again tomorrow." He asked obviously hoping not. "No, tomorrow is relax day." "Sounds fun." He smirked. "Yes, we have to save our energy for tomorrow night." She sighed. She then closed her eyes and turned around.

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