Tae:-in your absence?

Hobi:-yeah  actually I have to leave for Germany on short note, I would have definitely denied their offer if wasn't essential and beneficial for our business I am sure you are getting my point

Tae:-its ok sir because you already did alot for me so in the return I can do this mediocre work for you its not a big deal I do that for you ...by the way how is he doing now?

Hobi:-well since morning I haven't seen him so I can't say anything

Tae:-alright sir bye take care of your self have a safe journey

Tae was busy in packing his stuffs when Jimin entered inside holding a cup of coffee

Jim:- how fast you are changing your mind

Tae:-what I had done now?

Jim:-what you had done ? Seriously look at your self man who will say you are the same person  who were ready to kill jungkook earlier and now desperately packing your stuff for being around of him

Tae:-dont  mind me I haven't meant whatever I said earlier how  I even dare to think about kill or put that person  into danger who got injured two times just to secure me... both time while saving me I saw fire in his eyes" fire which has ability to destroy entire world "I witnessed true concern ,true feelings, real emotions in his eyes for me. he was fighting for me without thinking about himself he even put his life at the risk, a very first time someone became my sheild even though my parents left me when I needed them most...tae eyes were foaming tears while describing his pain

Jim:-I   am so sorry tae I didn't mean to hurt you I just wanted to tease you

Tae:-it's ok Jimin I am alright...tae said wipping his tears...jiminie I want this person (jk) at any cost he is my everything...everything means source of living...I even can't afford to lose him I will die in peace after making him mine he is only mine...dosenot he? ...he asked with hopeful eyes while holding jimin both hands (for a moment Jimin felt guilty for making such a pure soul hurt...soon he gathered some courage to say back)ofcourse  he is your no one  can dare to split you both from each other you both are gonna mingle its already decided by GOD that's why HE made such a circumstances to tied you both in the same rope

At jeon's Manson :-

When tae reached at jeon's manson it was late night actually earlier tae became sentimental that's why it took more than two hours to make him calm for changing tae's mode Jimin made his most favourite dinner and feed him by his own hands....tae directly went to the Hazal's room where she was peacefully sleeping after showering his love upon little princess he went towards jk's room after reaching there he found jk's in painful condition jk was sitting on the chair while holding his injured arm his face was telling how bravely he was  trying to bear his pain ...yes he did not heal his wounds yet although blood soaked already and frozen but wounds were still painful these became more worst when jk hit his right hand on table while recalling that bastard abusive words for tae... jk  helpless state made Tae shoked it seemed someone shattered his ground he run towards jk

Tae:-he you what happened ? Did you not apply something on your wounds yet...tae inquired with teary eyes

Jk:-what the fuck are you doing here this late?

Tae:-Mr Hobi asked me to look after you before leaving for Germany

Jk:-I am alright just go away

Tae:-no I will not lets go to the hospital

Jk:-I asked driver to bring Dr here they will be here so...ahhh... he didnot complete his sentence... due to unbearable pain he started shouting like kid ahhhh...he tried his best to control himself but at the end he was normal human being not statue who dose not feel any sort of  pain

Tae was  helplessly runing here and there to make jk comfortable which was useless

He ran down stairs for getting some help but unfortunately he didn't find any one near by... so he stormed back towards upstairs... Tae started wipping jk's sweating with his shirt sleeves he was trying his best to make jk's calm but his all attempts failed after wasting almost 10 minutes tae stood up while pulling his hair...he was about to take steps ahead when jk stopped him while holding his hand...Tae instantly looked at jk

Jk:-dont leave me ahhh...stay with me please

And That was the moment when tae lost his mind because it was the end of his limits of tolerance ...without thinking for a second tae free his hand from jk's grip he knelt down infront of jk then he cupped jk face which made jk to look at him after that tae  started kissing jk

without thinking for a second tae free his hand from jk's grip he knelt down infront of jk then he cupped jk face which made jk to look at him after that tae  started kissing jk

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