"You called Ashton? Why didn't you call me?"

"I don't know, you just... seem kind of distracted lately." He confessed, making my eyes soften a little. "Especially after our last conversation... I did not want to bother you."

"Mike..." I took a deep breath as he looked the other way. "I am so sorry, I never meant to neglect our friendship like this. I know I have been a bit distant, but it doesn't change the fact that you're my best mate. You can always count on me, especially in situations like these, alright? I've got your back, I promise."

We smiled lightly at each other, before I pulled him into a hug. He eventually wrapped his arms around me, pressing his right cheek on my shoulder.

"I really needed that." He whispered, taking a relived breath. "Thank you."

"Always." I grinned, slowly letting go of his embrace.

I watched him suddenly getting uncomfortable, as he kept glancing at the door. I raised an eyebrow, just staring at him until he gave his attention back to me.

"Um- Calum isn't here, is he?" He finally asked, scratching the back of his head.

"No, he went out not too long ago." I explained. "Why? Did something happen?"

"Oh uh, not really..." He paused. "It's just... He did something yesterday."

"What do you mean?"

"We were having a drink together, I said something and he laughed... then he bit his lip and played with his hair."

I was getting more and more lost by the minute. "Okay...?" I answered. "Is that it, or-"

He rolled his eyes. "I found it attractive, and his laugh is so fucking adorable."

My lips slowly parted, before them forming a light smirk. "Oh my God!" I said excitedly. "You like him! I knew it-"

"I don't know, okay?!" He cut me off, looking a little frustrated. "And even if I did, seeing Crystal with that asshole made me realize that I certainly am not ready for anything serious yet."

"Calum is not like her, Michael. You know that." I argued. "Plus, I've seen the way he looks at you... He obviously likes you back. You should give it a shot."

"I don't want to break his heart..." He sighed. "I mean... I've never felt something for a guy before, what if it's just because I'm lonely?" He questioned, placing his hand on his neck.

"Well... maybe you need to experiment before actually asking him out, then." I suggested.

"What do you mean? Like should I kiss a guy, or something?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I mean... sure, that could work."

He stared at me intensely, which started to frighten me a little bit.

"Um- are you okay?" I asked, sounding a little concerned.

He shook his head from the left to the right. "Yes, yes." He played with his fingers nervously. "I was just thinking that um- maybe... you know- you and me..."

I zoned out for a bit, before finally putting the pieces together. "Michael! No!"

"Why not?" He mumbled. "It would really help me figure things out."

"I'm in a relationship."

"Yeah... a heterosexual one." He corrected me. "Plus, you're straight, so why would it matter?"


"It's just a kiss, I'm not asking for a full make out session."

Shit, why am I actually thinking about it?

I mean, he does have a point...

It's just a kiss, right?

Also, I do owe it to him, I've been a shitty friend lately...

"So...?" He asked, waking me up from my daydream.


It's just a kiss.

"Fine." I said, making him silently gasp. "Just one, and make it quick."

He nodded, before slowly getting his face closer to mine.

Definitely very different from when me and Ashton kissed...

Michael is my best friend, and there is no way I could see him as more than that.

However, it was too late to back up now... since his lips were already pressing against mine.

I closed my eyes, counting the seconds as our lips were moving on sync.

I could feel him getting a bit more into it, and frankly so did I...

So much that we did not hear the front door open.

"What the fuck?!!" A third voice shouted in the background, making the both of us pull apart instantly.


notice • lashtonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora