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– Haaphyyy!!

– Meow.

I watched as Ice entertained our girl by letting her play with her tail. The snow-white fluffy tail of Ice slowly moved from side to side, which greatly fascinated Hikari. She tried to grab the tail, but it was always out of her reach.

– Mauw!

– Meow?

Hikari even tried to parody the meowing of our cat, which was really funny. Even Ice herself was surprised by this, which is why in the end her tail was captured and imprisoned in the strong embrace of our daughter.

– Mauw!

– Meow!

But Ice didn't move, she let her tail be grabbed by our girl. Hikari gently and tightly hugged the fluffy tail of our cat, which really seemed cute.

At this time, I decided to find out what my beloved husband is doing. After all, he had recently woken up, but he had not come to check on Hikari. Of course, I have been by our daughter's side for a long time, but this is not a reason to shirk my parental responsibilities.

While I was walking towards the living room, a pleasant aroma hit my nose. It was something sweet, I think. I wanted to feel this smell better, so I went towards the kitchen. When I got there, I noticed that Kiyotaka was making pancakes right now!

"Kiyotaka, it's a delicious smell, you know?

I carefully crept up to him and hugged him from behind while he was cooking pancakes. Maybe I shouldn't have bothered him at that moment, but he didn't seem to mind that I was around right now.

My arms wrapped around his waist and fastened on his stomach. I didn't want to get in his way, but I didn't want to let him go now either. Even I can be selfish sometimes.

"I'm glad you like it, Hiyori.

Kiyotaka continued to make pancakes, tossing them a little over the pan and turning them over from time to time. Also now I'm already drooling, because the smell is getting tastier and richer.

No, I have to restrain myself! After all, Kiyotaka is delicious too... I mean, all the food he cooks is delicious!

– Meow.

– Ice?

– Ice??

– Meow.

Our beloved and only cat came to us. She sat down at my husband's feet and rubbed her snow-white fur against his legs. Apparently, she wanted affection, attention and, perhaps, food.


In any case, she supported my husband to cook well. Well, a man simply does not have the opportunity to refuse when asked by two beautiful girls.

Wait... Since Ice is here, what about Hikari??

– Ice, where is Hikari?!

– Meow?

I didn't even wait for her answer and immediately rushed towards the room where my little girl was supposed to be. Why did Ice leave her there alone??!! What if something happens to Hikari?! God, I have to get there before anything happens!

When I got to the room, I noticed that it was unusually quiet here. Also, my daughter was sleeping in her crib. Her peaceful baby face caused a sudden calm in my fragile heart.

Uh, I already thought something bad might have happened. But still, my precious daughter was fine and just sleeping peacefully. Her legs and arms sometimes moved a little, but she did not wake up. Well, it looks like Ice just lulled her to sleep and left her to sleep in peace and quiet.

Maybe I'm just worrying too much lately for our girl? Even Kiyotaka is more calm than me. In fact, it's like we've turned the tables on him. When I was pregnant, it was he who was very concerned about my condition, although he hid it as best he could. Now, on the contrary, I worry too much about Hikari.

Maybe I should sleep too?? Eh, yes, I think it's a good idea.

With these thoughts, I went to sleep not far from my precious daughter on a small sofa.

*at the same time in the kitchen*

– Hiyori has been worrying too much about anything lately.

– Meow.

– Do you think maybe we should go somewhere and relax? For example, to hot springs.

– Meow!

– Cool. In that case, I could call my old friends to look after Hikari at this time. I think everything will be fine.

– Meow?

– In any case... Do you want pancakes?

– Meow!

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