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I was watching our cat, who was walking in a circle in the living room. I do not know for what reason she did it, but she did it. In any case, I liked watching how elegantly and deftly she moved around our house.

Now she jumped on the windowsill, using her magic jumping power. I do not know how, but she can perfectly jump to a good height, which makes it easy for her to jump on the windowsill. The rays of the morning sun passing through the window seemed to pour light on the snow-white fur of our cat. Ice welcomed the sun's rays and allowed them to illuminate her beautiful body.

She looked like a movie star at the premiere of a movie with her participation. With all her appearance now she showed that she was the main and best cat in this house, no one could convince her of this.

In fact, I'm really wondering if it's true that cats have nine lives? No, of course it sounds silly, but at the same time it's very cool.

My cat showed off a little more in the rays of the sun, after which she immediately jumped off the windowsill and walked over to the sofa where I was lying. I had been maintaining such a similar position for more than two hours and I still wanted to continue not moving. But Ice clearly wanted me to get off the couch and give her food. I would like to do it myself, but it's not as easy as it seems.

Perhaps people would have told me that I should be doing more physical activity now, since there is not much time left before the expected birth, but you know what? I'm going to rest. If I want to exercise, then I will do it, and if not, then fine, it's not so important.

Ice gracefully and quickly jumped onto my sofa and started walking next to me. She touched my palm with her muzzle and started licking my fingers, but I didn't react the way she expected. As soon as she started doing it, I just patted her on the head and on the back. Her soft fur felt just wonderful, but it still won't make me get up from the couch. I stroked her for about another minute until she realized what I was doing.

She succumbed to my caresses and could not get rid of them, and this played against her. I stroked her as gently as I could, so she didn't immediately notice that I wasn't doing what she wanted. But when she noticed it, she immediately pulled away from my hand and started meowing, trying to encourage me to finally get off the couch.

You know what? I don't want. Yes, I look like an egoist, but I just have no desire to do anything. I just want to lie down and stare at the ceiling. It's quite an interesting activity if you give it a chance.

- Don't worry, Ice. I put your food in your bowl. You can eat it.

Kiyotaka came into the room and said this to the meowing cat. She looked first at him, then at me, and then meowed again and went to the kitchen for her food. Kiyotaka carefully sat down next to me on the sofa and stroked my head. I let out a light purr, reminiscent of a cat, and slightly changed my position, laying my own head on his hips.

I'm glad he let me stay on the couch now. I am so glad that my husband is a very understanding person. Hehe~. I wonder if it will be necessary to think more with him about whether we will have more than one child or not. Of course, we must first fully realize what it will be like for us with one child, and then we will decide everything.

- Hiyori, did you know that you have amazing hair?

While he was saying this, he started running my hair through his fingers. They were long and silvery, so he really liked them. Hehe~, I'm proud of my hair. In fact, since childhood I have always had long hair, I have always been most satisfied with this type of hairstyle.

"Maybe I knew that. But I'm glad you like them.

He looked into my eyes, and I looked into his eyes. His golden-brown eyes always made me feel calm. Every time I looked into his eyes, I felt pretty good, as if all the problems left me for a while.

I wonder what kind of eyes our daughter will have? What kind of hair will she have? What kind of facial features will she have at all? Will she look more like me or my husband? Will she love me or Kiyotaka more? God, why do I have all these questions in my head at all??? Ah, it feels like my head is about to explode from these questions that come from nowhere.

- Hiyori...

- Hm?

– What are you thinking about?

He asked me with interest what I was thinking about. Perhaps my thoughts were reflected on my face, because I really don't want to think so much, but for some reason I still think. The questions that arise in my head constantly copy each other and appear again and again. It's really difficult.

– I'm thinking about the future. You know, I'm thinking about how the three of us are going to live, how we're going to raise our child. Will she be a good girl. Will we be able to become worthy parents for her. These are the things I think about all the time.

- I see.

There was a brief silence between us. I saw that my husband seemed to be thinking about my words. After all, these are really important topics for conversation, which sooner or later need to be discussed.

- Well, I think we can handle it. You're a very kind girl, Hiyori. I know that as long as you're a mom, our girl will feel great.

– You speak as if you are not a good person yourself. But I know you're a great person.

– You overestimate me.

- Or you're belittling yourself. In any case, a little more time and then our full-fledged family life will begin, right?

- Yes, it is.

While I was lying on his lap, I could hear the wall clock hiccuping. At that moment, it seemed to me that perhaps when we have a child, there will be no such calmness. As my mother told me, it is very difficult to find free and quiet time with children.

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