A secret from him

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POV Hiyori

Now I was sitting quietly in the kitchen and drinking warm coffee. I don't like hot drinks, so I had to let the coffee cool down a little. Of course, I had something to do. I could read books, eat, sleep, knit something, water a cactus, play with a cat, but now I didn't want any of that. I was just sitting on a chair at the table and drinking coffee. I usually prefer tea, but this time I really wanted to drink the same thing as my husband. He likes this coffee, but for me it's something mediocre. I would say that I don't particularly like coffee.

- Meow.

Ice, seeing that I was in a state of apathy, jumped on the table and began to walk elegantly right in front of my face. Her fluffy tail stroked my hair from time to time, and she rubbed her muzzle against my cheek. It was quite nice and pleasant, but I almost didn't react to it in any way. It seemed that nothing could bother me now.

– Me~o~w!

She began to meow loudly and long in my ear, which made me feel not particularly pleasant. It was loud enough to give me a faint ringing in my ears.

- Uh, please, Ice, don't do that anymore. I'd like to be alone.

– Meow...

After I expressed my position to her, she meowed sadly and jumped off the table to the floor, after which she left, leaving me alone. The area around me was again plunged into silence, which was somewhat pleasant and soothing. The only thing that could be heard was my breathing, which was still very quiet.

I thought about what I should do. In the end, I have to confess something to my husband, but it's not that easy. At first, I felt inspired and joyful from the news that I should have shared with him, but now these good feelings have been replaced by sadness and apathy. After all, you can never deny that everything can go according to a bad scenario.

Suddenly my phone rang, which I put next to me on the table. I slowly took it in my hand and answered the incoming call. Judging by the phone number, my good friend called me.


Hiyori-chan, hi. I'm sorry I didn't answer the phone this morning, I was a little busy filming a new series.

Honami-chan was able to become an actress in cinema and has already starred in several small films. I believe that she will be fine in the future.

- The series? Am I distracting you now?

– No, no, it's fine, I'm on a break now.

- I understand. Do you want to share spoilers for the series with your friend??

It was a simple joke, because I don't even know anything about this series.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. This series doesn't even have a trailer yet, and the first episode will air only on December 7.

– Does this series even have a name?

- Yes, of course it is. This is "Shin-kun@happybirthday.com "

It's a very strange name. But I won't focus on it, because it's probably something not very interesting. Although it's not for me to judge. Maybe one day I will watch this series, but definitely not this year.

–Anyway, you called me for a specific reason, didn't you?"

- Hmm? How do you know?

- Let's call it my intuition.

"Okay, so can I ask you a question?"

– Yeah, sure.

–...I have a secret, and I have to reveal it to Kiyotaka sooner or later. But I don't know what he might think about it. Perhaps he will be upset, and maybe even hate me or...

- Whoa, calm down. What happened?? What kind of secret is this that it can make Ayanokoji burn with anger??? I don't think he would hate you for anything....

Should I tell her about it? In fact, I only talked about it with my cat. More precisely, it was more of a monologue, since my cat could not answer me with anything other than meowing or purring. But she listened to me carefully and then started playing with me and trying to cheer me up. I love my cat.

–It's... I... um... me...

While I was trying to speak out to my friend, my cat jumped on the table right in front of me again. She immediately rested her muzzle on my cheek and began to meow.

– Meow. Me~o~w.

"Is that your cat?" God, she meows so sweetly! Kawai!

Ice suddenly decided to help me out of such a difficult situation, that's why she gave me such a chance. I quickly muttered something like "Sorry, I have to go.". That was the end of our phone conversation, so I didn't have to say anything.

It really was a pitiful sight. I felt bad just because I called someone with my problems at all. This situation is such that I need to figure it out myself.

Ice slowly moved to my lap and began to purr softly. The next second, she began to rub her fur against my stomach, as if trying to achieve something. I don't know what exactly she wanted, but it was cute and a little ticklish. Maybe she gave me the strength to break out of this circle of misfortunes?

"Yes, one day I'll have the courage to tell Kiyotaka everything.

–What about 'right now'?"

– Eh??!!

– MEOW???!!!

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang out behind me, and I even jumped because of the surprise. Kiyotaka came home so suddenly and quietly crept up to me. God, my heart almost jumped out of my chest. By the way, Ice was even more surprised than me and jumped up with me. However, the strength of her jump was much greater than mine, so she flew almost to the ceiling, and then gracefully landed on her paws. She's really the best girl.

- Hiyori??

– Y-yes..??

– What's going on? You've been acting weird the last few weeks. Something happened? Is there anything I can help you with?

- Kiyotaka...

I couldn't find words other than his beautiful name, so I couldn't say anything useful. My cat, meanwhile, lifted her tail up, apparently encouraging me to continue this conversation. Thank you for your support, Ice-chan!

- Hiyori?

- Kiyotaka, I...

- Meow.

She was supporting me again. My girl is the best!

- Kiyotaka, I'm pregnant by you...

I expected a reaction from him that would indicate his inner state, but only his eyes widened slightly. In fact, it was already progress. It definitely meant that he was very surprised. However, I would like a stronger reaction.

- Well, I'm happy.

"...Your expression hasn't changed a bit, you know?

– But I'm still happy.

- ... I don't believe it...

– But it is.

... My husband is just hopeless!

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