Hard life

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We finally got home. Fortunately, our mutual friend, Ishizaki-kun, gave us a lift from the hospital to the house in a few hours. We were really very grateful to him, but he said that for him it was just a couple of trifles.

In the end, when we crossed the threshold of the house, our cat immediately appeared, which came from almost nowhere. She started walking around my legs and constantly meowing, trying to draw my attention to her, even though I was already there.

Unfortunately, I couldn't stroke her, because in my hands there was something more valuable that I was holding with me now. It wasn't expensive jewelry or delicious food, it was a living person. I was holding a baby in my arms, our baby. It was a petite girl wrapped in a light white sheet. Her body was very small and delicate, which was really suitable for a child.

It's only been a few days since I gave birth to this girl, but I already feel great affection for her. I wasn't sure if it was maternal instinct or love at first sight, but I really couldn't resist this feeling. I really wanted to keep my baby with me all the time.

Kiyotaka gently took Ice in his arms and raised her to the level of my hands. My cat with her brown eyes saw a little miracle in my hands. She carefully sniffed at our baby and gently licked a very small palm with her tongue. Our daughter made a strange sound in response to this wet touch, but no more. Ice began to bask in my husband's arms and meow.

I looked at this picture with emotion and imagined that everything would be fine with us in the future.


*a few weeks later*

I was very sleepy, I carefully walked down the corridor towards the bedroom, leaving the room where our daughter was sleeping now. Fifteen minutes ago she woke up, started crying, wanted food. I really found the strength to get up in the middle of the night and feed her with my breast milk. It might have been cute if I didn't want to sleep so much.

It was almost three o'clock in the morning, I really wanted to go back to my soft bed and not wake up for a few more hours. Kiyotaka slept like a log all the time, as he was very tired after work. Previously, he was already tired, and now that we have a child, he can't tear himself away from the bed at all.

Of course, I spend most of the time with the child a day, but this does not mean that my husband is idle and shirks his paternal duties. In fact, when he had to take care of the child, he tried to be as careful as possible. He kept saying that he should try harder and be a good father. I think he even overdid it a little bit, but I'm glad that, as always, you can rely on him.

The only cat in our house lives almost the same as before. She only sometimes looks after our daughter instead of me, if suddenly I sleep during the day because of fatigue. Basically, her life is still beautiful. She gets excellent and fresh food, clean drinking water, we clean up after her, she sleeps, lies, meows, purrs and plays with me from time to time.

By the way, I don't even have time for Genshin anymore, I feel so old already from all these household duties, of which there are so many now. It seems that my parents were absolutely right when they told me how difficult it is to have at least one child. At such moments, I really think that it is much easier to live only with a beloved husband and a cat than with a child. But still, I love our daughter, even if it is difficult for us so far, then everything will definitely get better in the future.

In any case, I carefully and quietly reached the bedroom and just plopped down on the bed. I could no longer stand when there was such a soft and tender crib, such a cute and warm blanket and such a magnificent pillow.

Kiyotaka carefully covered my body with a blanket and put his arm around my waist. I snuggled closer to him and put my head on the pillow next to him. Perhaps he woke up because I so unceremoniously plopped down on the bed.

- I'm sorry if I woke you up.

- It's all right. I know you're tired, so just rest.

I felt great in his warm embrace, especially since various factors like a soft bed and an even softer pillow helped me to fall asleep faster to take a break from the problems and difficulties of life.

Or so I thought...

My eyes opened the moment the sound of a baby crying reached my ears. It was just unbelievable. I just put our daughter to bed, so why did she wake up again??? Oh, God, help me.

I started to get out of bed, feeling very tired, but suddenly Kiyotaka held me next to him and got out of bed himself.

- Please rest. I'll see what's the matter.

In fact, it would be better if, as a mother of a child, I checked everything thoroughly and independently, but I still trust my husband. If he needed my help, he would call me, so I could leave it to him.

In response to his brave words, I purred gratefully and made myself even more comfortable on the bed until sleep engulfed my consciousness.

My one and only wifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें