Banana, Ice cream and Milk

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POV Hiyori

- So, now let's add some bananas.

- Meow.

Now I'm making a banana cocktail at home with my girl. I heard that it is very tasty and healthy, so I decided to try it. I had bananas, ice cream and milk. In fact, nothing else is needed. It remains only to mix it all and then I can satisfy my appetite.

To be honest, something very strange is happening to me. My tastes have changed and I now want to eat much more often. My stomach has even increased, it feels like I'm getting fat.

- Meow.

Okay, I certainly know why all this is happening. However, being pregnant is not very convenient. So far, I still have an early pregnancy, but then it will be even more difficult. Wow, but I'll stand up! But what will I tell my parents, and what will they think?

– Me~o~w.

Ice also constantly supports me. Naturally, Kiyotaka also constantly cherishes and loves me, so I am surrounded by love and care.

Now Ice is walking on the table right in front of me and rubbing his muzzle against my tummy. It's ticklish and pleasant. Is it her instinct that I'm pregnant? She always wants to touch my stomach. Wow, that's interesting.

In any case, I would have succeeded sooner or later, which eventually happened. It turned out to be a full-fledged mixture of bananas, milk and ice cream. The smell felt good, but the taste... I drank a little and realized that it was quite tasty. This thick liquid seems to entangle my tongue and fill it with the taste of bananas. But do not drink it too quickly, because otherwise, because of the cold of this drink, I may catch a cold, and I do not need it at all.

– I'll have to cook some for Kiyotaka later, because he really likes ice cream.

My husband was known for his strong love of ice cream, so whenever possible he tried to eat it in large quantities. It's really cute when he buys a bunch of ice cream of all kinds and eats it. It's interesting to watch. Moreover, he never mind sharing these goodies with me.

Of course, the cocktail that I have just prepared does not consist entirely of ice cream, but it is still delicious.

- Meow.

I got a little lost in thought and stopped doing anything, which is why Ice licked my cheek so sweetly to draw my attention to her. I looked at my favorite fluffy girl and noticed that she also continued to lick my face, only already in the area of the lips. Is she licking off the remains of this cocktail? Does she like this drink?

- Ice, do you like it?

- Meow.

She seemed to meow contentedly and continued to lick my face. It was ticklish enough that I let out a weak chuckle.

- Hehe~.

- Meow.

I stroked my cat on the back once and began to repeat this action so that she would be pleased. Eventually, my girl started purring, and her tail went up a little. She closed her eyes and made her purring sounds, which made my heart pound more and more. I easily picked up my cat in my arms and began to squeeze her in my arms. God, she's so cute!

- Hmm, interesting.

Suddenly I heard the voice of my lover, who was already standing next to me and literally gulped down the whole cocktail that I made for myself. How did this even happen??

– Is something wrong?

He did not understand at all what had happened, because he just drank a cocktail that he apparently liked. I let my cat jump to the floor, then I got up from my perch and looked my husband straight in the eyes.

- Hiyori?

- Kiyotaka...

I raised my hands a little above my level and put them on his shoulders. He was a little surprised, but did nothing, after which I crossed my hands on the back of his head and slightly raised myself on my toes to make it easier for me. Kiyotaka noticed this and also bent down slightly to help me kiss him.

His lips were still soaked with the excellent taste of bananas, which is why I kissed him. Of course, I just wanted to kiss him, but when I can also get a bonus from this in the form of a delicious cocktail, then my thirst for kisses increases. He himself perfectly allowed me to enjoy this moment and, probably, it was quite pleasant for him, since he also hugged me and pressed me closer to his body.

Wow, I'm starting to feel hot, my husband is so hot that I feel even good. Suddenly, his tongue penetrated my mouth and began to explore it, as if it were his territory. Oh, that's pretty bold, I seem to even lose control of myself. I want to kiss him more, I want to hug him more, I want him right now. For this kiss, I'm ready to forgive him anything.

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