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POV Hiyori

It's been a long hot day today. I was lying on the couch all the time and watching YouTube videos. To be honest, I didn't want to do anything, I was ready not to move from my place until the night, but I still had to put the phone aside and get up from the couch.

I looked at my cat, who had been basking in the sun for several days in a row. She just lay on the windowsill and gave the sun rays the opportunity to lighten and warm her body and fur. In general, my girl sincerely enjoyed her time in this heat, unlike me, because I just wanted to do nothing.

But still, I need to cook dinner for myself and for my husband, who should be back very soon. We didn't plan to do anything like that today, and tomorrow is the weekend, so he probably wants to eat something light and go straight to bed. After all, tomorrow he will have to finally finish clearing the room, which we will use for its intended purpose in the future. True, we still have months to wait before this very future, but it's not scary, on the contrary, we have time to prepare for what will happen in the future. I think I will need to read a few books about motherhood so that in case of any surprise I will have an idea of what is worth doing and what is not worth it.

When I came to the kitchen, I just had to think about what to cook. Perhaps the most ordinary scrambled eggs will do. However, I think I'll also give him a little something sweet today. Hmm, what is suitable in this case? Can I give him a doughnut? Such a sweet, round and delicious donut with icing! I would have eaten it myself if I didn't want to give this last doughnut to my husband.

In the end, I had to cook something quite simple: scrambled eggs with bacon and a sandwich. It was more like the breakfast of an average American family from Hollywood movies, but now this type of food is suitable. I also added her some rice as an additive, in case Kiyotaka really wants to eat. Well, to be honest, I didn't feel like eating myself right now. I could cook something later, so it's fine.

I untied the cute cat-patterned apron and took it off. In the end, I even yawned a little and put all the food on the table, having previously covered it with a thick cloth to prevent the heat of the freshly cooked food from leaving so quickly. I yawned weakly once more and was even thinking about going to bed when suddenly someone's arms wrapped around my waist.

- EH???!!!

- Hi, Hiyori.

I was very surprised and even a little scared, but as soon as I heard this so familiar voice in my ear, my body immediately relaxed. I realized that it was Kiyotaka who had just come, however, he returned home very quietly.

- Kiyotaka... why are you scaring me so..?

- I'm sorry, I just saw you now and really wanted to hug you. I just wanted to hug you, that's all.

- That's how. Well, I want that too.

I twisted slightly in his arms, and hugged him myself. I could feel his shirt a little soaked with fresh sweat. It seems that even he could not escape from this scorching sun. In any case, we stood there, being in each other's arms, for some time before he released me and walked away to wash his hands, take off his outer clothes and sit down at the table.

At this time, I prepared everything for him and also put a donut on a plate as a dessert. At that moment, Kiyotaka had just come to the kitchen and for some reason was holding some kind of box in his hands.

- Here, I bought this on the way home. They were selling at a good discount today, so I couldn't resist, especially knowing how much you like them.

I looked at him in surprise, and then looked down at the box where the donuts were collected. These lovely, round, cute donuts covered with icing! Yes!! This is exactly what I want!! But... now I have to be restrained, I shouldn't show such weakness in front of my husband. I will never give up and until the very end I will hold on and not let my desires, reflecting my gluttony, get the better of me.

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