Her sweet dreams

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POV Kiyo

I was watching Ice chewing ficus leaves right now. I do not know since when she wanted to eat our home vegetation, but I did not try to stop her. No, actually, I should have stopped her, since it was one of Hiyori's favorite plants that she cared for, but Ice was very persistent. She even scratched my arm when I tried to stop her.

Naturally, I could easily pull her away from the plant, but I didn't want to spoil the relationship with her, so I decided to find out more using the Internet sensei. In general, I managed to find out that this is completely normal. That is, there is nothing wrong with the fact that Ice is now chewing ficus leaves. She can't eat them, because her stomach is in no way capable of digesting such a thing, so everything should be fine.

Hiyori was sleeping in another room right now, so I didn't want to disturb her and tell her about something so unpleasant. Maybe I should just buy a new ficus? Hm, maybe that's a good idea. Will my wife notice the substitution in this case? To be honest, sometimes Hiyori even talks to plants. I was a little worried about it until the moment I found out that this helps the plants themselves. I have no idea exactly how this helps plants, but it's not that important.

In principle, I also didn't want to get rid of our ficus. Even though I hardly take care of it, since Hiyori does it mostly, but sometimes even I manage to find time to talk to this plant. I really told this ficus about the White Room and about myself more than anyone else. Maybe I should save the ficus right now, before it's too late? On the other hand, if Ice does away with the ficus now, then no one else will know about the White Room except me. I don't need any witnesses.

As a result, I was faced with a difficult choice. Should I save the ficus from my beloved cat or let this plant perish? Well, to be honest, I have to save this ficus at least for Hiyori's sake. I just don't want my wife to cry over this plant when things could have been different. That's the only reason I had to grab my cat and hold her in my arms. She tried to bite me, scratch me, but I didn't care. Ficus was more important now. Ficus is all that matters.

But there was still some plus in all this. Now I could hold my soft, fluffy snow-white cat in my arms and enjoy her fur. She's so soft and fluffy that I don't even care if she tries to bite me. In the end, I took her to another room where Hiyori was sleeping and let her go there. After that, my cat tried to run back into the living room, but I managed to close the door and lock her here with us.

She stared at me with an incomprehensible feeling in those sharp eyes, and then looked at the door waiting for me to open it, but I wasn't going to do it. Of course, in a normal situation, Ice would have started to meow loudly and long because of this, after which I would have had to open the door for her, but there was one important factor that did not allow this. Hiyori was sleeping on the bed right now and any loud meowing could wake her up, and Ice obviously didn't want that, and neither did I. In general, I had leverage over my cat.

As a result, I carefully lay down on the bed next to Hiyori and allowed myself to relax. I could feel my wife breathing quietly and peacefully, her eyes were closed and her muscles relaxed. She snored sweetly and occasionally moved her body parts in everything. Her face was very calm and peaceful. I could look at her forever, because she was so beautiful. However, for me it is not so important whether she sleeps or not, she is beautiful in any case.

– Nyaaa... Kiyo~ta~ka...

Hiyori suddenly hugged me and pressed her body against me. She didn't wake up, but still her actions seemed a little strange to me. She's really able to understand that I'm with her even in a dream, isn't she? I could also quite see on her face a happy sweet smile that appeared when she hugged me.

I wonder what's going on in her mind right now? Does she have a good dream? Or maybe she just wants to sleep? Anyway, I'm glad she's resting now. Maybe I should sleep too? Basically, my beloved wife is next to me, she smiles so sweetly and hugs me. Her body is very warm, and now I can even feel her calm heartbeat. In the end, I couldn't resist and also hugged her, hugging her as close as possible. I want to always stay close to her. A more ideal girl than she simply cannot exist. Although even if she wasn't so perfect, it doesn't mean that I wouldn't love her.

– Meo~w... Kiyo... He~he~

It looks like she's really dreaming about something. I hope she's enjoying her sleep. Even now, her beautiful hair smells like lavender, it's so cute.

POV Hiyori

- Wait, where are you going??

Now I was trying to catch a fluffy sweet cloud. It was flying further away from me, but I was running right behind it. I can't let such a gorgeous sweetness get away from me. Of course, I have never tasted these fluffy clouds yet, but rumors say that they are surprisingly sweet and tender to the taste. I have to eat this cloud!

- Don't fly away, cloud-chan, I just want to eat you. Don't worry, I'll bite you gently, it won't hurt.

I tried to persuade this cloud to stay with me, but it continued to fly away into the distance. I couldn't take it anymore. I will have to use my most formidable and at the same time cute pet. I used my hands to fold the seals of a special technique, after which I touched the ground with my palms.

- Special Summoning Art!

As a result, the space next to me was filled with white smoke, which dissipated after a few seconds. In the end, I found my pet next to me, which I had to summon.

- Meow?

It was my white fluffy cute kitty. In size, she corresponded to an ordinary tiger or was even a little bigger, but her appearance was very cute. A snow-white fluffy layer of fur covered her body, her brown sharp eyes were also beautiful. Her heavy but fluffy tail served as an antenna and occasionally caught radio signals. On her head sprouted a long white horn, just like unicorns.

- Ice, we need to catch up with that cloud ahead. Let's do it!

- Meow!

I jumped on her back, and she immediately rushed forward. Her speed was so huge that we caught up with the naughty sweet cloud in a split second, but then the cloud used a cunning trick. It soared into the sky, moving away from the earth. But even such a trick could not stop us. Ice was the best cat, so she jumped into the air, then jumped again and again. Yes, she jumped right in the air several times in a row, and with each jump, a rainbow trail formed under her paws. My girl is the best magic cat in the world!

Eventually, after a while, we were able to catch up with the tricky sweet cloud. Ice jumped right on top of it and started meowing and purring as we completed our mission. I stroked her back and got off her, standing on a cloud.

Of course, this cloud consisted of cotton candy, so I even plunged into it with my head. I started actively eating all this cloud, it was so delicious. This soft and delicate sweet taste just melted on the tongue. I can't even describe how delicious this cloud is. If Kiyotaka were here now, he would definitely like it.

At the same time in reality.

POV Kiyo

Why is Hiyori biting my cheek so gently? It feels like she's trying to eat me while she's sleeping. In any case, I have no problem with this, since her bites are quite gentle and painless. I wonder what she's dreaming about?

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