Pancakes for both of us

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POV Hiyori

I felt pretty good, because I slept in a comfortable position for me all night. When my eyes slowly opened, at first I saw only the light of the morning sun, but after that I also noticed the person next to me. It was my husband who was lying right next to me and hugged me with one arm even in my sleep. Oh, his hand is quite warm, as is he.

Wow, his face is always so peaceful and cute at the same time when he sleeps. It's a pity that I don't often get the opportunity to see him like this. Today is a day off, so he can sleep for a while longer, and the rest of the days he has to wake up before me. It's a little sad.

I slowly and carefully slipped out of his weak embrace and got out of bed. I immediately stretched like a cat, then exhaled with relief, put on soft slippers and headed to the kitchen. Judging by the quietly ticking wall clock, it's only 9 o'clock in the morning, that is, I should cook breakfast, and I also need to feed our girl.

Thank God, we still had cat food, so I quickly poured it into a cat bowl, and then also put a saucer with drinking water next to it. Literally ten seconds later, a clear meow was heard from the corridor, after which our beloved fluffy cute cat appeared in the kitchen.

– Me~o~w!

- And good morning to you, Ice.

- Meow.

She started eating her breakfast pretty quickly, and now I need to prepare breakfast for myself and Kiyotaki. I wonder what he would like to eat? Maybe it's worth doing something simple and easy? Or is it better to surprise him by cooking some very tasty food? Maybe pancakes will do in this case? Yes, it's perfect! The pancakes are very tasty!

I immediately started all the preparations while my cat looked at me in surprise. She meowed and walked around my legs, apparently in order for me to stroke and caress her, but I could not be distracted at this moment. Now I have to make my husband the most delicious pancakes that can exist in this world! It's not for nothing that my parents gave me maple syrup for my birthday, it's time to use it!


POV Ayanokoji

I slowly opened my eyes and realized that it was already quite late. It's almost ten o'clock in the morning, so I got a good night's sleep. Hiyori has already gone somewhere, which upsets me a little, because I like having her around, but I can't complain about it. Most likely, she just didn't want to wake me up on my day off, which is why I didn't wake up before that. Well, actually, if she had woken me up, I wouldn't have complained, because her pretty face always pleases me.

I slowly got out of bed and did a light warm-up of everything possible to cheer up a little early in the morning. At some point I felt a faintly familiar smell. I think I have already smelled a similar fragrance somewhere.

- Meow.

As soon as I thought about going and checking out this source of a pleasant smell, our fluffy cat came into the doorway of the room. She quickly jumped on the bed and lay down in the place where I was sleeping. Well, apparently, she wanted to lie there, because there was still residual heat of my body in this place. Well, I wasn't going to disturb my cat, so I slowly walked towards the exit of the room.

- Meow!

- Hmm?

– Me~o~w.

I looked at my cat questioningly and realized that she didn't want me to leave. Now she changed her position and lay on her side, revealing her tummy to me, which made her defenseless in front of others. But, of course, I wasn't going to hurt her in any way. Ice entrusted herself to me and meowed again, apparently in order for me to approach her.

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