"If you don't kiss me, I'll slit their throats."

"I'm madly in love with you."

"You really think you can get away from me?"

"I know everything about you, darling, and you're so perfect."

Contradicting comments like that, Summer heard on a daily basis. At time, Loki would be sweet and tell her how much he adored her, but then he'd flip a switch and threaten to kill her kids. Yes, her kids. She didn't consider Loki to be their father anymore. He lost the right to that title.

Of course, Summer tried to make sure the kids were clueless. The youngest was, but the older two were noticeably weary. Thankfully, they were either smart enough, or possibly too scared to say much about it.

That is, until today.

Summer was outside on the balcony, trying to admire her new.... home. She hated to admit it was beautiful here. Not only the stunning castle-like home they lived in, but the scenery was breathtaking.


She jumped at the unexpected voice and spun around to see Landon nervously standing in the archway. "Hey, what's going on?"

He anxiously shuffled his feet before slowly trekking towards her. "I.... Mom, you need to be honest with me." He started as he stood before her, tears gathered in his eyes. "Are we in danger?"

It's been a month since they moved here. Landon was a smart kid, it was easy for him to figure out something wasn't right. His mom's been skittish and uncomfortable ever since they moved here and subtly defensive of him and his siblings.

Her heart sank. "Honey, what do you-"

"I know somethings not right. What's wrong with dad?"

She hushed him to have him lower his voice and scanned the area around them to make sure no one was listening. "You can't be so loud, Landon, please. I.... We have to trust him."

He adamantly shook his head and held onto her arms. "No, enough with that. I'm not stupid. You need to tell me what's happening." He pleaded, his voice wavering as he spoke. "Is he going to kill you?"

"No, he's not going to-"

"Will he kill us?"

She opened her mouth to lie once again and tell him, 'of course not,' but she stopped herself. Her breath hitched in her throat, fire in the form of water stung her eyes.
Without verbally answering the question, Landon got his answer.

Summer knew her life wasn't in danger- her mental and emotional health and sanity, yes. Her life, no. But her kids' lives...

She didn't want them to know this, but she was the opposite of the man she was married to. She refused to lie. She tried to dance around the truth rather than lie, but she was only capable of so much.

With a shuddering breath, he whispered, "I can see the toll this is taking on you. Please mom, don't lie to me anymore. I know you're just trying to keep us safe, but I don't want you to get hurt."

Before he could see any of her tears fall, she brought him into her embrace. "I'm so sorry, Landon." She rasped as she clutched onto him, one arm around him, the other cradling the back of his head. "I promise I will never let anything happen to you. I'll keep you and your siblings safe. Please, you can't tell them, or especially your father that you know.... Loki is.... He's an incredibly dangerous man. People have known that for decades, but he's even more dangerous and powerful then he's let on. He's been holding back on his abilities to deceive people, but you can't tell your siblings. You especially can't act different around him either. He'll find out you know. If we play along, we'll stay safe."

Landon pulled just enough to catch Summer's gaze. The strong, independent, fearless woman he once knew was just a shell of that person now. His mom had dark circles under her eyes like she hadn't slept for days, and her hair probably just as disheveled as her thoughts.

He hugged his mom once more, closing his eyes as he melted into the embrace. "Okay, mom."


Her blood ran cold and she quickly dried the tears from her eyes, giving her son a pleading look- a warning.

Then, she turned to face Loki. "Yes, love?"

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