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A/n So I read a really good BDSM fic by lilithgirl on ao3 and now I hate this whole chapter but enjoy anyway, it's 10000 words 😭🥲
Please vote/comment! It helps me stay motivated writing.

Taehyung tossed and turned in his bed. Sheets too cold and skin too hot. It had been a long night that lead to a long early morning, willing himself to sleep and escape his cyclical thoughts. So far he had had no luck, his mind much more content in taunting him with his recent mistakes.

But he knew himself. He knew he knew himself very well. He knew himself better than anyone else possibly could.

So why did it feel as though Jimin knew something he didn't?

That face that first captured his attention and drew him to submission, that lured him down the tempting narrow path of discipline. Before he'd first allowed Jimin into his life he'd felt no need to submit yet all of his relationships had failed. He was too needy, too reckless. Time and time again Taehyung had been left frustrated and alone, no one would put up with him and he didn't want them to.

That stupid smug face. Like he always thought he knew better.

Finding Jimin had been freeing in ways he couldn't comprehend, the rush of adrenaline from being hit, the boundless affection that would follow. He couldn't have asked for more. It was too much. Suffocating.

His heart twisted in his chest at the thought, doubt making his head spin.

It wasn't fair. That one stupid encounter replayed on an infinite loop in the back of his mind.

Day by day he continued as normal, talking to people, ignoring people. He'd hooked up with someone he was talking to online and what should have been a straightforward fuck flooded his mind with possibilities.

His delicate skin whipped pink like his own bruises that had yet to fade, staining his tanned skin with splotches of yellow and green. When the sub cried Taehyung recalled how his tears had tickled his cheek and cursed himself for not thinking to wipe it away in the moment.

How would it have felt to be the one with arms bound tight by thick rope, crying pathetic and helpless at another man's mercy?

Each time he shook the thoughts away, his nose wrinkling in disgust and continuing the scene as if nothing abnormal occurred.

He knew exactly what it was like to sub. And he knew himself. And he knew that's not what he wanted. He had decided that fact long ago when he was done with Jimin's bullshit the first time. He could never let someone control his life again.

He repeated it to himself like a mantra each time the echo of his past intruded his thoughts until all he could hear in his mind was a thick blanket of denial.

Just how he liked it.

Surely he just needed to get it out his system; remind himself of what he truly enjoyed. And it wasn't running away from customers at the supermarket and hiding in the warehouse. It needed to be something fun, new. Better than anything any dom could offer.

He laid staring up at the dark ceiling, watching as his grainy vision attempted to make shapes from the blank darkness.

There must be a way to inject some more fun and excitement into his usual routine.

Minutes past tortourously slow, nothing coming to mind until the low hum of Jimin's cooing tone seeped back into his thoughts, his disembodied voice teasing his struggle.

Frustrated he writhed against the sheets, freeing himself from the trapped heat with a final kick. There was a dull thud and he groaned, certain his phone was tangled within mess of sheets that had been flung across the room.

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