Don't Mess With The Parents!

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Meeting Batman wasn't how I thought it'll go. He end up inviting us to a private restaurant that he book. He show up as Bruce. Which Void and I already knew who he was.

"It's nice to meet you Stiles." Bruce held out a hand to me. I didn't shake his hand.

"Can't say the same to you."

You tell him!

Void was back in my mind since he didn't want to be out to meet the Bat just yet.

"Hurry up and tell us already!" Iris snap while point her knife at Bruce.

"Dear don't go threatening people!"

"Yeah! Tell us already man! Plus where's the food!"

Yeah where's the food!

"We just order food!" Dad whined but mom and I ignored him.

"I want you to join the Team."

"I know that already!" Both mom and I said at once.

"No!" We both look at dad.


"He needs more time to be normal. He wants to live a normal life. So no!"

Go daddy Flash!

I couldn't help but laugh with a smile.

"He still can-"

"Forget this meal!" Mom slam her hands onto the table as she stood up. "I agree with my husband. Plus those kids didn't apologize for attacking our son!"

"He's the one-"

"He only did self denfence!"

I couldn't help but tear up now.

Cry baby

Oh shut up!

Mom noicted my eyes as she walked over to grab my hand. "We're leaving!"

Dad got up to but look at Bruce. "We'll think on it after the team apologize to our son."

After that we all walk away hands in hands. While I was in the middle smiling again.

We have good parents

Yes we do

One week later-

I was finishing my homework when there was a knock on the door. Dad wasn't home but mom was. She was in the middle of cutting up some veggies when we heard the knock.

Instead of putting the knife down. She carry it with her over to the door with a smirk. Void was in his dragon cat tower that dad just got him.

Void wanted to pretend he was a power dragon from watching some tv show.

I was sitting on the couch with a pencil in my hand while facing the door now. Wondering who is was and who was going get stab.

Don't mess with a mama bear!

Iris open the door while holding the knife on the air. Which cause meant people to gasp and speak at once.

"Aunt iris why!"

"She crazy!"

"Why is she holding a knife?"

"Put the weapon down!"

After that was all said, she slam the door in their faces. Before walking back over towards the door. While the knocking then ringing started to happen.

"Was that them?"


"Cool!" I laugh before going back to doing homework.

Three days later-

I was walking with dad since he said it good to go outside for fresh air.

I did live underground for so long.

Void stayed behind, since mom was making his favorite cookies.

"Want ice cream?"

"Ask the pervert!"

He choke on air while he almost run into someone.

"Yeah, ice cream sound good." Then I froze in my steps.

"What's wrong?"

"This is where we meet." I smile while I saw dad get emotional.

"Awww you remember! You do care!"

"I do care but I still love mom more!"

Always got to tease dad.

I walk a little ahead till, I bump into someone. Miss Martin was standing in front of me before she fell on her butt. She was with two other people.

Robin and KidFlash.

"Hey! That's not nice of you to-"

"Sorry didn't mean to." I went and help her up. "I must go now!"

She went and try to grab my wrist but dad quickly stood in front of her.

"He doesn't like to be touch." Then he turn to face KidFlash. "If you saw what happen then you would had noicted. That he bump into her by accident!" He then grab my hand and we walk quickly.

We end up going to a different ice cream shop three towns away.

Five days later-

Should we give them a chance?

Yes but without parents

True, they are very protective.

Plus I'll be there with you.

So should we go find them.

No, let's stalk then talk to Robin first.

Because he's the leader?

No, because he'll listen.

Sounds good

Time to find stalk-Find us a Robin!

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