It's all part of a System

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As Imlie rested on her bed, ready to go to sleep..her mind went around thinking..It's been 2 day's since she came to Rathore mansion. And now her leg also felt a bit better, as for now she was at least able to get up and move on her own in her room to get herself ready. Imlie was astounded with the enormous Mansion, she felt as if half of her village people could reside in its total premise area. She often thought whether the staff would get lost in this house. And With these thoughts running wild she fell into a deep sleep.

The sun rose high, the next morning, announcing its authority all around the world. The first ray poured gently over the sleepy face of Imlie, entering her room through sheer curtains, disrupting her sleep. She woke up finally to a knock on her door.a voice came from outside, "Mam breakfast is ready, would you like to join the family for breakfast or you want it in your room?"

Imlie replied, "No no, i would love to join them for breakfast." The voice replied with, "ok mam, please call when us if you need something and also when you want to go to breakfast table."
"Alright, Thank you." Answered Imlie.

Imlie got up from bed and got ready to join the family. She was finally seated in chair on dining table with Arpita sitting on her right side, Narmada sat on the chair of head of the family and Aryan sat directly in front of Imlie across the table.
Breakfast was laid on the table and everyone self served themselves as it was a tradition in the family, that the house help would just set the table up with food and everything that's required.. the service part was done by the members only.
In these three breakfasts that she had indulged in she noticed the choice of food eaten by each one of them.
Narmada and Arpita preferred Indian food (with specially less oily food for Narmada) and were joined by Imlie, Aryan use to go for a lighter diet, his plate always had something that's healthy sometimes cornflakes, oats or peanut butter bread...No wonder how he maintained this good body of his with so much workload on him.

In these 2 days one thing was very clear about the Rathores was they have a very big heart, there wasn't a single moment where Imlie felt like an outsider or had a moment of sadness. They were super caring, although Aryan didn't show much but deep inside he was just like his mother and sister. Imlie knew he was not much of a show.

Coming to Imlie's project, they were all ready with a new bomb written with a black ink on a white paper..that was soon going to explode.

And as for The case, It was already on board and the investigation procedure had already started.

At first one of the police officer thought of trying to convince Imlie against moving onn in this case as he was well aware of Mr. Sood's power but after knowing that Aryan himself is looking after this case proceedings he decided otherwise.
Even he didn't knew why he wanted to help her, may be because his daughter was also named Imlie so he felt a bit of sympathetic towards her, but whatever the reason is he gave his contact information to Imlie and team and asked her call him if they require any kind of help also that he would try his best to get access to any kind of information that could help them in making their case more stronger. Btw the officer was a sub-inspector named Milind Aggrawal.

When Imlie dug deeper into the Life of Mr. Vansh Sood , just in hope to know whether there was any similar complaint filed against him, as this would help in proving that he was habitual of committing such things.
she got to know that he had a brother named Viren Sood who was a DIG in Delhi police and had a very strong hold in Delhi. He could do anything for his benefit but was never caught.

Imlie was never a type of person who gets indulged into such power play, in this journalism field too she always preferred topics regarding social issues and sometimes sports and entertainment genre for a change but now when she was looking into the world of business she got to know it was not just business man involved in this, this was a much bigger world that we think of it, with people from small workers to journalist and even politicians involved. It was a whole system bound together like a circuit. Now she was able to link so many things, many things made sense now.

This was whole a bigger system than one could have imagined. And all that matters in this world is power that was with the one who had money.

Imlie was sinking more and more in such thoughts when Aryan called for her, he was at home today as he had only a few online meetings to attend, from which he was free now. Imlie woke from her thoughts and saw Aryan siting on the other end of the couch on which she was sitting and doing her work, with his eyes stuck to her face which had stress written all over it. She answered , "hmm, you said something?" To which Aryan questioned, "you alright? You look so tensed."

Imlie didn't knew why she felt so comfortable with speaking her heart out to him so she told him what all was thoughts were doing rounds in her mind. Aryan was a very good listener (she didn't knew it until this time) he heard every bit of word she said.

Finally he understood her and assured, " Well this is what it is..this world works like this only, if you want to survive in this system you have to get that power in your hand. Imlie you know now why I asked you to come and stay here..This was it!! I knew what danger was lurking ahead, i know this power play, people go to any extent just to protect their public image and hide there deeds. Imlie, when you first told me about what happened to you, I decided to support you only because i knew that at that time it was you vs Mr. Sood along with all his power..AND A MUST MENTION..I'm not doing it out of sympathy or returning any favour's because very few people have guts to stand against someone's wrong doing, specially against someone who is way more powerful than you...and that's absolutely not fair...but now with me being by your side Its you with my power against him with his...fair enough, isn't it?"

It took time for her to register all these things that He mentioned ..she knew Aryan wasn't helping her out of sympathy nor it was a payback for her helping his sister..she knew Aryan was a kind of person who lets others complete their task on there own, only interferes when it's absolutely needed.
Aryan knew that Imlie was an independent woman who would not accept anyone's help easily, that was the only reason he asked her to pay him rent of her stay and also mentioned that he was not doing any kind favor just to assure her that she do not owe anything to anyone in this world.

After a minute or two she finally was able to reply with just a nod.

She thought what a wonderful world it is.. where there are people of total contrast:
Rathores and Tripathis
Sub-inspector Milind and Sood brothers
Aryan Singh Rathore and Aditya Kumar Tripathi..

Wait what!!! Did she just compared Aryan to her ex husband?? WTH!..


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