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This is when Mr. Sood responded actually barked, "How dare you..." before he could complete a deep loud voice interrupted him, "Relax Mr. Sood! Relax!" The voice belonged to he The Man himself..He was here...Aryan Singh Rathore was here..as he marched towards the crime scene😅 he continued, "For your information its now My office Mr. Sood and it would be of great help if you leave the premises on your own with the little self respect you are left with."

Mr.Sood silently left the office giving a death stare to Imlie..he didn't had much guts to look at Aryan that way. After he left Aryan introduced himself as new CEO and asked everyone to get back to work. And before heading towards his cabin he had ordered Imlie to meet him in 5 min.

Imlie could clearly see that, that man just stood by her side in front of an other party or you can say an outsider (as now Mr. Sood was an outsider and Imlie his employee). She knew from her past experiences that Aryan is a man of less words..he was that no nonsense kind of man with a great sense of understanding of any kind of situation, with sharp wit and had a brilliant mind. But along with this he was highly disciplined when it came to his work.

She was fully aware that what she did was totally out of the decorum that should be maintained in an office, and she had already decided that now she won't leave her job (and will side by side fight that man) as it would keep her financially secure. So she was all ready to get scolded from her new boss on his very first day..

As she entered in his cabin she could feel the coldness and that Aura of Aryan Singh Rathore..she gulped as she saw her boss looking at her as if he's gonna fire her right away..she totally forgot that he's the same guy that she had already met and had conversation with. He was giving a totally different vibe as a boss.

"Sit Imlie" he ordered. And Imlie followed sitting on the chair in front of his desk. There was pin drop silence and Imlie was at loss of words so it was Aryan that spoke first, "May i know the reason behind the chaos that you just created in my office?" After putting his hands on his table with his fingers entangled.

His voice sounded dangerous, he would definitely fire her and all such thoughts were running in Imlie's mind when she blurted, "pls don't fire me" and then realising it wasn't the answer he was expecting so she continued without giving him a chance to speak, "listen..listen i know you are totally that no nonsense type of man and you hate it when someone messes with your work or your working environment..i know that all.. so you don't have to say that again, to be honest you are actually scaring me right now ...i m ready to tell you everything..i can explain just don't fire me."
She said all this in one breath and without a stop..after completing she cursed herself for speaking..actually blurting out total rubbish in front of her new boss.
Even she didn't knew why she was acting this way..may be because her mind was still processing all the happenings since morning.

"You know you have still not answered my question Imlie? And for your info im not your boss..how can you even bring a complaint to your boss regarding him scaring you?" He said while raising his eyebrow (the one with scar) in astonishment.

"Sorry" replied imlie whith a guilt ridden face.
Aryan actually understood that she was nervous so he tried to calm her down by talking to her just like he did in previous meetings of them dropping his bossy tone aside.

"Listen i know you ..we had met before also, you remember?" To which imlie gave a nod. "Great!! So Imlie you remember it was my di who had asked me to help you out if you ever seek my help?...and also that promise was just for personal issues nothing professional...I wouldn't have stoped Mr. Sood if it was something professional, to be honest, as it would have been something between an employee and an ex boss but today I interrupted because I could tell with a look of it that its something personal..that should not have affected working environment...you getting what i mean?"
Imlie was finally feeling a bit relaxed so she answered, " I'm sorry for what happened today sir, and yes it was a personal issue..regarding which i wanted your permission." So Imlie told him each and everything about the deeds of Mr. Sood and he heard each and every detail and understood the situation that led her on to slap him.
"I got it Imlie, i can understand your problem, although  its not related to our work, but still I'm with you..such bastards needs to be exposed and punished so i'm allowing you to keep onn working in the office while you can go onn with filling a complaint against him....ohh wait!!" His voice changed from being serious to a bit soft, "You can do one thing, he's having contacts with one of the most influential people in Delhi, yes after loosing Bhasker Times his power has notably declined but still he holds much power...why don't you take this thing up as your new project?..i mean only if you are okay with it..you can keep your identity anonymous and can bring out his true colours in front of public..what say?"

"And i can ask other female employees to help me by telling what they have to go through because of that shit..opps sorry for my language sir!" Imlie said.

Aryan gave a little smirk and asked, " so you are up fot it?"
To which Imlie replied, "yes sir why not..people should know that what female staff have to face when there boss is someone like Mr.Sood. And that guy deserves to be punished..im up for it sir."

"Well all said and done, im giving you a upper hand in choosing your team and providing me with the project information with all the important details by Friday that's day after tomorrow." Said Aryan now back to his bossy tone.

Imlie replied with a ok and was getting up to leave the room when she once agains thanked her boss..to which Aryan responded, " imlie the only personal help that i did was  stopping Mr.Sood today other then that all our conversation have just provided us with a professional idea." He continued "and also if you need any kind of help regarding this case you can contact me anytime..and you don't have to feel awkward about it..not even a bit..imlie you have saved my sister's life..so I can do whatever it takes to help you, outside this office premise...so just take my help as a ransom of what I owe you."
He completed and got back to his work.

Imlie just gave a nod and went out of his cabin..


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