chapter nine || 09

Mulai dari awal

He walks down to the living room and just switches on the tv leaving me and my mum at the table.

I stare back up at my food, with my blurry vision because of the tears filling my eyes that are threatening to fall, and slowly put my fork down.

Maybe I was gaining too many pounds.

My mum's shoulders sag and she places her hand on my arm. "Baby, please eat the rest of your steak for me." She says softly, and gets up, walking to the living room.

I sniff, wiping my tears that were unknowingly falling and try to eat the remainder of my steak but can't seem to pick up my fork.

You're disgusting, Nailea. Stop hoarding the food like a pig and leave the rest.

I can hear distant shouting from the living room, my parents are fighting.

I slowly walk towards the noise out of curiosity of what's happening and look through the crack of the door going into the living room that's not fully closed.

I look just in time for my dad to slap my mother across the face so violently, that she collapses on the floor, holding her cheek and staring at him with tearful eyes.

"Mum!" I shout, and run into the room.

I quickly go to her, but get stopped by my dad who pushes me away.

"Leave her alone, you're a monster!" I shout, still on the floor looking up at my dad.

"Shut that damn mouth, you ungrateful child! I have given you too much for you to be acting like this. I'm leaving." He exclaims, and storms out the room whilst grabbing a few things without a glance back.

I sob as I crawl over to my mother who's having a panic attack and breathe with her slowly, guiding each one of her breaths until she finally slows down.


That was the last time we ever saw my dad, but not the last we heard of him.

Not more than a few weeks later, we received some news that he died in a car accident. His car completely demolished as he was under the influence, instantly killing people in the car that he hit. But they never found his body in the car.

I don't remember what I had felt in that moment, I just knew it was going to be me and my mum in the long run and I was going to be the only one to care for her.

I zoned out for most of my lecture, listening to music while writing down some important notes when I felt my shoulder being tapped.

I took off one earbud and looked to my side.


With the most guilty smile plastered on his face. I really wish I could smack that look off him right now.

"Hey ba- Nailea. I was hoping we could talk? About... you know." He trails off, obviously expecting me to know what he means.

I pretend to be lost in thought. "Oh that's right! You mean the time when you had your dick in someone else's arse? Yeah, I'd rather not talk about that, thanks." I say and smile sarcastically, then go back to listening to my professor blocking him out.

He winces, but thankfully acknowledges the fact that I won't talk to him and moves back to his seat, so nicely allowing me to have my personal space again.

I just know for a fact he's gonna try and talk to me again.

I might listen to him, only to hear what his stupid excuse will be. Purely for my own amusement.

The CEO's Proposal || PAUSEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang