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Kenzie was driving back to Storybrook and the silence was getting to her, so she decided to strike up a conversation. Plus this was a good time to talk with him and get to know him better.

"So what's it like to sail the oceans and see all those different, lands?" She asked as she turned a corner.

He replied by telling her all the places he had been, all the things he had seen and done, and also about what it was like sailing across the oceans.

"That sounds awesome," she stated, now longing more for her dreams of adventure.

"It is," he agreed.

"The sea has always intrigued me with all that life swimming in it, and all the many secrets it still holds," Kenzie began to explain.

"After I graduated college I wanted to go explore the ocean, and world, but I ended up working in a museum that has items other people have discovered. I like working there. It's just not the same you know. I want to go out there, and find some treasure of my own, to rediscover something that was lost or find a new species in the sea, but I've never had the chance. But I haven't given up on my dream. One day I'll set sail to see the world and explore the oceans," Kenzie added as she got lost in thought about what it would be like, and of course those dreams where she had sailed the world with Killian.

Who was this girl? She knew about his ship, and loved the sea, and adventure. Even had in interest in buried treasure, Hook wondered.

"When I get my revenge you're more than welcome to join me, love, " he offered. "As repayment for helping me." He didn't even know why he was offering or why he was suddenly interested in finding out more about this girl.

Yeah, she was pretty, but it was more than that, there was something intriguing about her. He had met, and been with many women none of which he had perticular loved or cared much about except for one, and that was his love Milah. The woman who's heart The Dark One had crushed, killing her right in front of him, and then proceeded to cut off his hand.

All because she had been married to Rumplestiltskin (The Dark One) before he became The Dark One, but she had left him for Killian. Which was what ended up setting Killian on his path for vengeance.

So he didn't understand why he had a sudden interest in this woman, when he still wasn't over the death Milah or when he was still more occupied by his vengence than anything else.

"Thanks, but no," she stated, turning the wheel.

"You say you want to sail the world, and find treasure of your own, but yet I'm offering to give you the means to do that and you turn me down," Hook said, a little shocked that he actually felt hurt she was so quick in turning him down.

"Well yeah, I'm not just going to run away with some man I barely know am I?" Kenzie pointed out.

"Well maybe being alone in this car is a chance for us to get to know each other, " he said.

"Maybe," Kenzie agreed.

"Let's start with proper introductions then shall we," he suggested. "I'm Killian Jones or as I'm often refiered to as colorful monkier..."

"I know Captain Hook," Kenzie finished.

"Aye, so you have heard of me?" He asked.

" Everyone has. Well, they don't know it's you exactly, but they know of a Captain Hook. From the stories you look different, " she replied.

"So you know who I am, it's only fair I know your name?" He asked her his eyes fixed on her.

"Ke-Callie Robinson," she replied.

Sailing Off To Find My Happy Ending| Killian Jones| OUATWhere stories live. Discover now