𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 12

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The ambulance arrived a while later and now Killian and Kenzie were sitting in the waiting room. A doctor had already been to tell them what was up. The knife that had been used had cut deep, but hopefully, if they managed to stop the bleeding she would live she had quite a nasty bump on her head, which had knocked her out, but he didn't suspect any serious damage but they would do a scan just in case. The doctor had said it was lucky they called the ambulance when they did.

Kenzie with her elbows on her lap and her head buried in her hands. Please, god let her be ok, she thought for about the hundredth time since they found her mother lying on the floor of the kitchen. "I'm worried," Kenzie piped up, lifting her head. "What if she doesn't make it?" She added lowing her arms and sitting up straight.

"I'm sure she will. The doctor said there was a good chance she would, " Killian pointed out.

" But he also said there was a chance that she might not. They don't know how severe it is until they do tests, " she explained and sighed before muttering, "I don't want to lose her. Not the same way, because I failed to protect her."

"What do you mean the same way?" Killian wondered, confused.

"How I lost my step-dad, " she revealed. " It was my fault he died. I knew him driving the night it happened was a bad idea. I knew he would be in an accident. I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen to me. If only I had tried hard enough to persuade him not to drive or stopped him then he might still be alive, " she said.

"If he wouldn't listen then what else could you have done?"

"Anything, " she replied.

"Besides it's not your fault you tried to warn him, " he said.

" Not hard enough. It is not good enough. She still got hurt. If I had never decided to go back to stupid Storybrook maybe it wouldn't have happened, " she started.

" It would have happened either way, " he said.

Kenzie scowled at him. "I just want her to be ok, " she sighed.

"I'm sure she will, " Killian said.

"How can you be?" She questioned

"Ok I'm not sure but you have to hope."

"Hope? I'm sick of hoping. I hoped, that my hunch was wrong about my step-dad dying, I hoped that my step-dad and I would go sailing, I hoped that I'd be an explorer or marine biologist, and I hoped that I would get to my mom in time. Everything I hope for just comes to bite me. To stab me in the heart, " she said.

"I know that feeling, " he declared.

" Miss Robinson, " the doctor said as he approached them.

Kenzie turned her head to face him. "Yeah?" She asked.

"Your mother is awake, now if you want to go see her," he replied.

" Really?" Kenzie blurted out, her voice happy and jumped out of her seat. "So she will be fine?" She asked.

"She's going to recover just fine, " he replied and a smile formed on her face.

"Thank you, doctor, " she said.

"No, problem, it is my job after all. She's in room 5 just down the hall, when you're ready," he stated and left them both in the waiting room area once again.

" Told you didn't I..." Killian said.

She twirled around throwing out her arms and putting them around him when she had fully turned to face him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, " she chirped, with a huge grin on her face. Then she stepped back and without thinking, she stood up onto her tiptoes and kissed him.

Sailing Off To Find My Happy Ending| Killian Jones| OUATHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin