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LOCATION| Earth-363
TIMELINE| 1945 — 2023
PROJECTS| Liberty & Dreams — Avenger [ Act Five ]

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> The Avengers
> S.H.I.E.L.D.
> The Fantastic Four
> The Guardians of the Galaxy
> The Sanctum Sanctorum
> The Revengers
> The X-Men
> The Junior Avengers
> The Crusaders [ cameos ]

> A.I.M.
> K.A.O.S. [ mentioned ]

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The Watcher turned to face you, his audience, a look of surprise upon their face as if they hadn't really expected you to stay. "So, you're curious about these worlds after all..."

A contemplative look crossed what could only be deemed the Watcher's face. "Perhaps you have good reason to be."

They turned their head toward the expanse of space before lifting a single finger. Pointing that figure outward, a shimmering hole appeared. However, rather than nothing, an entire world was present in said hole.

"Why don't we begin with the dangers of the multiverse?" The Watcher rhetorically questioned. "This is Earth-363... only it's not just one world, but two.

"You may be wondering how this is possible," the Watcher assumed the first of your many questions. "The answer comes in the form of one man who tried to play God."

The image within the hole shimmered, as if it were a mirror or some other reflective surface, and then the image within changed to something far more specific. A man of unknown age, scrambling about a laboratory with a maddened look upon his face.

He only paused briefly to open a case, which hissed as cold steam wafted into the air, floating to the ground and curling around his ankles. Within the crude containment unit, one cosmic cube was revealed.

"Dr. Kennedy Jones," the Watcher introduced the man. "An Omega level mutant with the power to absorb any other he came into contact with. Although there were limits, the man had a way of pushing past the laws of nature.

"The year was 1939. The place—Earth-X, a world flourishing under the mutant gene. But as the Second World War began, the Germans discovered what was later to be titled the cosmic cube. Tainting it's original purpose, the cube wrought destruction and chaos for an entire year before falling into the hands of Dr. Jones.

"1940. Suddenly a more pivotal point in history than most know. You see... there was a timeline that Earth-X was meant to follow, but that all changed with Dr. Jones's little experiment. Within the blink of an eye, Earth-X and Earth-616 were the unwilling participants of a multiversal incursion unlike any other..."

The Watcher paused, as if hesitant to go on, as if they shouldn't share any other information on the matter with you.

"My burden is heavy, but if you do not wish to share it, turn away now." The Watcher paused. A look of surprise morphed their face. "You're still here? Remember, there is no turning back from this point."

They took a deep breath of composition and then continued their tale. "I'm ashamed to admit that I'm not as much of a neutral party as I've led you to believe... but I couldn't stand by and observe two worlds be destroyed by the actions of one.

"I intervened, splitting the cosmic cube into six entities. You may be know them as the infinity stones. And so, a new world was born: Earth-363.

Although the original divergences to the timeline were subtle, there were other lasting effects here and there: a new member of the Howling Commandos called The Wolverine, multiple identities of mutants in a world where they originally didn't exist (i.e. the Maximoff twins), not to mention the formation of an organization known as K.A.O.S. because the incursion came at a price: two worlds living in one."

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[ Q & A : Section 3 ]

Feel free to ask any questions here.

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