Kills and Kisses

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Lights out. 4 vs 1.

1 monster. 

The floors creaked and everyone's breathing became shallow.

The scent of bleach, blood and fresh air coated me with unease.

Axel's arms wrapped around me tightly and kept me a little warmer.

But the thought transpired that I was married to a serial killer rendered me cold.

How could I have been in love with the closest thing to evil yet been blinded by his charm. It made me shiver that he lay in bed beside me and engulfed me in his arms after we just fucked, and he had been murdering some innocent person prior to this spell of love. It made my body itch and burn that he had made me feel so much pleasure and caused others so much discomfort and agony. He made me moan out of pleasure and others out of pain.

He was my happiness. Yet people's worst nightmare.

He was worse than any serial killer because he lived a double life. He genuinely made me believe he loved me, and I did honestly love him with everything in me.

But it was all an act. I was vulnerable and brainwashed when I was weak into what he needed me for. A distraction. A cover story. So, he could continue to satisfy his own deviant needs whilst living the classic life. A successful job. Happy with a married wife. Everything a man could ever dream of. But his cover story was fucking unbelievable. How could he lie and pull this off for so long? He was intelligent but intellect is what fed him. How time and time again not one single person questioned him or maybe they did, and he just killed them. The thought of that simmered through me that someone could've been so near to exposing his true tendencies and fantasies which became his reality but he pulled the plug on them so he could continue the life of his own laws and direction.

How could he stomach his sins? – He showed compassion. Was it all an act?

He loved and cared for me like no one else in my life. Until he turned abusive. That was the only side of him that maybe deep down in the pit of my stomach made me believe he would be capable of killing because I would prepare myself to be hit until I didn't feel anything anymore until everything would go pitch black and I wouldn't have to endure another punch. Another kick. Another slap.

The thing was even though he was evidently a dangerous individual. He was the only one who made me feel safe when I didn't have anyone else and at home when in his presence. I loved how I could be at a party of 300 people, but he made it feel like it was only the 2 of us. His character and persona were everything I aspired to be. I cherished how confident he was when we would be up all night prepping for his big meeting. All I knew was that this wasn't the Marcus I was introduced to. This was a Marcus I hasn't been acquainted with. Or maybe he had come to light when he started to beat me.

How could he do this? How could he be that? I trusted him with the most vulnerable parts of myself and he had been going through a murdering spree.

I thought our minds worked in sync. I thought we were soulmates. I thought he fucking loved me. I thought wrong.

"Cordelia? Do you want Valentine back? Shall we make a deal?" Marcus's teased me and his voice sent chills down my spine.

"How about I won't murder your friends if we renew our vows. In the name of God, I, Marcus Amato, take you, Cordelia, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow. I think you could do so with a reminder of for better, for worse. I was certainly there for you during your worst. The least you could do is follow my commands." He spoke.

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