A moment of Happiness

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"Can we leave now?" I looked for direction, but Val and Axel just shared a few looks.

"You haven't been discharged yet." Val sympathetically smiled.

"I feel fine and if I don't leave now Marcus might turn up. Please can we just go?" I tried to sit up using my elbows to push myself in an upright stance.

"You can stay at mine?" Axel asked.

"That would be amazing." Marcus knows where Val lives and probably where Axel does too but I feel safe when he's nearby.

I wasn't scared. I was terrified. He would be there waiting for me.

"Del, why did you go back?" Valentine's voice was laced with pity and a bit of disappointment. A lump lodged in my throat and my mouth suddenly went dry.

I knew now for sure It was a lack in judgement. But I just needed to see him to understand what changed in him. What led him to this point of no redemption. I loved him and now I hated anything that reminded me of him. Any memory of him burned a hole through me, and it made bile rise in my throat.

I wanted an explanation or a reasoning behind his actions. But I couldn't get either. Instead, I got more bruises and more heartbreak.

"I.... I wanted to understand."  Sobs escaped me and Val came closer and wrapped her arms around me. But her touch hurt. I was in bad shape with him. The one I loved. He had hurt me again and it hurt so bad.

"I thought he would apologise, and this nightmare would be over and everything would be fixed but he...." I didn't continue because it was too hard to say out loud.

"We were so in love, and it was us against the world but now I didn't recognize a thing about him and what hurt the most was I knew when it started it would happen again and it wouldn't stop, but I still loved the Marcus I once knew, and I couldn't let go just yet."

I continued. "But I'm done now. I'm so fucking finished." My voice grew with strength and authority.

"I'll get a wheelchair." Axel stood up and headed out.

"No. I can walk."

"You're not walking."

"Yous can help me then."

"Fine." He smirked probably knowing me walking in this state and not haven ate in a while wasn't the best choice, but I was stubborn. That had never left me at least.

I tried to sit pulling myself over the edge of the bed, but my body ached, and it was sorer than I remembered.

Axel gestured to help me, but I waved him off. But after a while of me flailing and looking pathetic I let him carry me. I wrapped my arms around his neck holding on and his hand was secured under my knees and the other holding my head close to his chest.

"I'm going to head back to mine and collect some things for you, and I'll meet you over at Axel's." Valentine walked in the opposite direction from us. Her figure went blurry disappearing and fading the further she got. These pills were strong that I was on and made me feel a little out of it and dizzy.

"See you soon." I pulled a smile.

Axel placed me in the back seat so I could have more room. He buckled me in and put a jumper behind my head.

"Are you hungry, love?" Axel kept an eye on me through the rearview mirror.

"I would love some food."

He smiled and chuckled.

"What would you like?"

"Pizza and ice cream." But then the memory of me having ice cream with Marcus came back quicker than a rash and I didn't want it.

Tethered By Lustजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें