Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

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WARNING: This chapter contains the talk and act of domestic abuse and encroaches the topic of rape and sexual assult - EXPLICIT DETAIL! Read at your own risk.


I was sitting on a bar stool with a glass of Jack Daniel's in front of me weighing up my options.

Marcus was in the background and Axel was loitering around too. My head was so scrambled I just needed a little release. I can control myself. I'm a woman who has self-control.

Axel slipped into the seat beside me. "Do you not enjoy parties?"

"I do. I just feel like a drink right now though." I retorted.

"Do you not drink anything softer?" His elbows rested on the bar.

"I do. But I just want to get drunk quicker."

"Ahh, I see." He smirked.

Marcus fell into the seat on the other side of me having had a few drinks. "Del, why the fuck are you drinking?" Marcus's voice was raised and angry.


Axel's eyes burned a hole through me probably lost in translation.

"I just wanted one drink." I snapped back.

"Fuck's sake. I thought you were fine." Marcus lifted my chin up with his hand and twisted it towards him. Fury filled his eyes and disappointment the most painful.

Axel sat there befuddled. "What's wrong?" He looked at me and then at Marcus.

"Del is an alcoholic."

Gee thanks Marcus. My mouth went dry, and my chest pounded so hard.

"It was just one drink!" I shouted back as I walked away.

"Go to bed." It was like déjà vu. That night he found out. But I was so sick of being inferior.

The words stung and he knew it.

Axel stood up registering it might be time to fuck him up. But I wanted to be powerful.

I stopped dead in my tracks. "Fuck you!"

People around stood flabbergasted. Aw sweet Cordelia using such foul language. Shocker.

He set of a torpedo in me and torpedo's can't be stopped once they're launched. "You think you have the right to tell me when to drink. If I want to fucking drink, I'm going to drink. Don't you dare pretend like your so fucking flawless and I'm the one fucked up? Because we both know you can be fucking crazy and the resemblance between you and my stepdad is almost identical!" I blurted it all out.

He inched forward preparing to smack me across the face but registered in front of all these witnesses might not be the smartest move. "Go to our room and we can finish this discussion there!"

Axel's fists were clenched and the disconcerted look across his face made me feel at ease despite the situation because he knew where Marcus was going with this, and he was piecing it all together.

He wanted me to go back to our room in private out of sight.

My blood boiled and my eyebrows coiled because in that moment I knew he wouldn't change.

He might've saved me, but he had hit me on 5 different occasions in counting and this felt like just the start.

I didn't want to leave because he was the one who saved me from Harrison.

It was too much to comprehend and I was getting more tangled into this web of torment all over again.

Sometimes it is easier to make excuses for the one you love because people have imperfections but you need to draw the line somewhere but my line was fucking non-existent.

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