A high like no other

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WARNING: This chapter contains the talk and act of domestic abuse and alcohol abuse - EXPLICIT DETAIL! Read at your own risk.

7 years ago


People filtered into the Amato house full of energy as laughter filled the air.

Spencer came earlier with a set of clothes, but I didn't explain the situation to her. It was easier that way. The less people knew the better.

I changed into clothes I wouldn't wear if I planned on staying sober.

Fuck the social anxiety.

Fuck it all.

I wore a mini black silk bodycon dress with black sheer tights covering my marks and back boots. My arms were visible but the light was dim.

I walked into the kitchen with magic carrying me and filled my cup with vodka. I needed a release. I let the drink glid down and burn my throat and I loved every second of it.

Noel and Marcus hated my idea to continue the party. But I didn't need them to understand. I just needed them to keep quiet.

Sometimes reasoning doesn't need to be explained. Sometimes we do things we might not even agree with on a different day but right now - this party - is something that will save me tonight and damage me in the long run.

The speakers blasted Wherever I Go by OneRepublic. I then replenished my cup and made my way to the middle of the living room moving my hands to the beat letting my hands course my body. Not feeling one inch of embarrassment. All I felt was freedom. Exhilaration. Euphoria.

I let go and fuck it felt so good.

I danced with guys and girls in my year and years above moving with the lyrics.

I moved one foot and then the other and I felt normal. I fitted in.

I let guys move their hands on me and I enjoyed the feeling. It felt fun to do teenage things.

Spencer came over to me in her aqua blue mini dress and burgundy curled hair that cascaded down her bareback.

"Hi, sexy." She hugged me.

"Hiya." I smiled back effortlessly.

My hands circled her waist and her hands rested at the back of my neck as we danced.

Noel didn't touch a sip of alcohol, and his eyes were locked on me. The party animal in him was dormant and miles away.

Marcus and his friends sat on black leather sofas with drinks in hand and women loitering around them and plenty of them.

A blond with long luscious hair and blue eyes the perfect girl sat on his knees and it made me angry. Why did I care? I hate him!

I was staring and maybe a little jealous fine I was so fucking jealous, and he caught my eyes wondering and held them. He didn't look happy or upset just blank. He didn't reveal a thing. Ever. It made me resent him even more.

I watched him pour drink after drink into his black hole of a mouth. It was almost like a race between us. When he drank I drank when I drank he drank.

"I'll be back in a sec I'm going to speak to Alex." Spencer trailed off. Who was Alex? But go her! I needed to take my mind off life and do the same.


I made my way back to Noel's bedroom to use his bathroom and I rested on his cold stone floor reminiscing about how times used to be so easy, but the alcohol made me feel at ease and relaxed. I sat for a minute then picked myself up off the floor and as soon I opened the door to exit. Marcus stood there in a black t-shirt and black sweatpants. One hand above the door blocking my path.

Tethered By LustDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora