Part 50 - Stock market

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(Ida's POV)

How did I end up here?

"You sound so weird," A little boy with bright blue eyes named Ethan says as he eyeballs me.

"You sound weird too," I reply and he smiles.

"We're both weird then."

"I guess we are." He seems to settle with the idea as he nods his head and then joins his friends.

So it's summer, Kala dragged me here, in the United States, to be a summer camp instructor. I wanted cocktails, beaches, peace and instead I have no alcohol because I'm not 21, forests and a bunch of children asking me questions every two seconds and telling me I sound weird because of my British accent.

Don't get me wrong, I like children, I just don't feel like mingling these days but my parents aren't leaving England this summer and Marylou is busy with her new boyfriend so here I am, in Idaho. We were supposed to go to California but Kala changed our destination last minute claiming that we just had to change...

"Is it true that you drink a lot of tea?" Megan asks, she's the most outgoing girl around here, even more than me. I like her but right now she's interrupting my sunbathing moment in front of this lake.

"Not personally but yes, it's pretty common for people in England," They're cute, their eyes glitter as they ask questions, it makes me feel like an alien but I just tell myself that if I were their age I would do the same.

"Look away kids, boobs coming your way," Kala announces as she walks out of the water. She's not even topless, just really proud of her breasts...

"You could be a little, in front of them," I tell her.

Most children here are between seven and twelve, they don't need a Kala in their life, yet.

"Dylan was looking for you last night, something about fireflies or something," she sighs and lies down next to me on the grass, letting the sun warm her up.

In a way, this is not so bad. I like it here, it's beautiful and when I close my eyes, it's so peaceful...

"AAAAAAH Ethan just showed me his wiener!" Laura starts crying as she runs up to us, what the fuck is wrong with Ethan he already showed his 'wiener' to three girls in one week.

"Ethan put that pee-pee away before I cut it!" Kala chides him.

Well...most of the time it's peaceful.

"But she said I didn't have any, so I showed her!" The little boy argues. At least he has some sense of logic.

"Laura, listen, there will be a day where asking a boy to show you his penis will lead to something else and I think it's time I told you about how babies are made-" Kala starts.

"Laura, why don't you go play with the others," I cut in and my dear and quite perverted friend rolls her eyes. Whoever hired her to guard children was either on drugs or out of their mind.

"She needs to know what it's like in the grown up women world."

"Someday maybe, for now she's eight, let her believe in unicorns and mermaids."

"Yeah you're maybe right..." She sighs and a delightful silence settles in.

I like to close my eyes and try to picture everything around me just from what I remember, the turquoise lake, the tall trees, the azur blue sky, even the distance between me and Kala, I see it all.

What I hate about closing my eyes though, is the way memories tend to uncontrollably flash like a sort of supercut and these days the only supercut I have could be named 'how you screwed up you horny bitch', or something like that.

The head boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora