Part 10 - Konnichiwa, bitch

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I think Tom is mad at me. Although you can't really tell since he is just his usual icy self but still, something's different.

"Do you speak Japanese? Because I don't, I actually speak four languages but Japanese is not one of them although you could say I speak a little bit of Japanese. I know a few words since I watch a lot of anime and love their culture but I wonder...Can I really claim to be able to speak Japanese? I don't think I can, maybe they would find it rude if I said that I could, maybe people would find it conceited and maybe I'm actually a Martian hooker for all you care, since you're not listening!" I start blabbering...Hey! He's being his usual self so I'm being my usual me too.

"Miss Abberline please keep your annoying thoughts to yourself," Tom grumbles. It's been like that since last night, right now we're in the airport on our way to Japan and I'm trying to break the ice but...oh wait...break the ice? This man is MADE of ice, if I break the ice between us maybe it'll break him, maybe that's why he's so cold with everyone, because if he 'breaks the ice' he'll end up completely broken!

He's right, my thoughts are annoying.

"Not a big fan of sushi though, what about you?" I ask and this time he just walks away and leaves me standing there, waiting for the rest of the group.


"The vending machine's out of M&M's..." Kala arrives, pouting. It's crazy how this freaking model remains beautiful and skinny with all that she's eating, this half Indian, half Scottish beauty is the definition of unfair...

"Someone's sending you a sign, stop eating," I sigh, my eyes following Tom as he disappears behind the bathroom's door. I don't know what's his problem, I put myself at risk, so? It's not like he's not been trying to fire me for more than a month now, if I die at least he'll get rid of me...that's another weird thought, damn I'm weird.


After a very VERY long flight, we finally arrive on the land of the rising sun but there's no rising sun since it's dark outside which makes me think that maybe this whole reputation is a scam, or maybe they just have a day-night cycle just like the rest of the

We arrive early in the morning which is a good thing because we all got to sleep on the plane. I went to Japan before and I know that we're probably gonna be jet lagged for a few days which is okay, it's actually why we're here for two weeks, to at least be in full shape for a week and a half.

"Welcome to Tokyo, we have a bus waiting for us in the parking lot so please get your luggage and follow me," William is in charge, mostly because Lin would never make the effort of doing it herself and also because Tom is kinda...pouting, in his own way.

He's really mad that we're skipping two weeks of school for this trip even though it's not only a leisure trip, we're also here for business. Mr. Ooshima is gonna give us a tour of his famous company 'Ooshima & son'.

Mrs. Tsuchiya will receive us in her world famous hotel and teach us a few lessons about 'the flourishing of small family business'. I'm really excited about this one since she's the perfect example of a successful woman and it's even kinda ironic since her company used to be called 'Tsuchiya & son' and it's a daughter who's in charge now. Go lady!

Apart from that, we're gonna visit and immerse ourselves in Japanese culture, a culture mixing traditions and modernity. How inspiring.

Tom claims that 'people who take breaks are bound to fail in life' and in my opinion we won't see him much during this trip since he will always be locked up in his room, trying to keep up with his classes and god knows what. Since everything is very intense in PAAZ they apparently give students a break of two weeks twice a year, one in October and one in March, plus, the christmas break.

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